Suspected rhinoceros poachers killed by lion pride in South African game reserve, Africa News & Top Stories


A group of suspected rhinoceros poachers were killed by a pride of lions in the Sibuya Reserve in South Africa, Monday morning (July 2).

According to a statement released Thursday on the reserve's Facebook page, an anti-poaching The dog alerted his handler that something was wrong around 4:30 am Monday

The driver heard a stir coming from lions but was not worried as it is common to hear lions at night.

Around 4:30 pm Tuesday evening, a field guide spotted what appeared to be human remains and other objects in the immediate vicinity of the lions

M. Nick Fox, the owner of the reserve, was immediately called to the scene, where a rifle, gloves, wire cutters and the remains of a backpack with food, water and d & rsquo; Other supplies were found

The Daily Mail reported that a head and a number of bloody body parts were found. with three pairs of empty shoes

In the Facebook message, Mr. Fox said that the group of at least three poachers entered the game reserve between Sunday and the first hours of Monday.

They were armed with a high powered rifle with a muffler, an ax, wire cutter and food supplies for a few days. "It is clear that the poachers had entered into a pride of six lions and some, if not all, had been killed," he added.

A vet darted all the pride of the lions so that the police forensic teams and the anti-poaching unit of the reserve could spot clues in the immediate vicinity.

Forensic team investigations continue and the number of poachers killed can not be confirmed. .

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