If you've ever had to login online using identity documents like pbadports, driver's licenses and everything else, you know how complicated it can be. You need to scan these documents, then download or e-mail them to the sites without really understanding how your sensitive data will be protected. You will then have to rinse and repeat the process whenever someone will ask you for real identifiers.
Telegram, a popular and encrypted chat app for iPhone, Android and PC, just announced Telegram has included a Pbadport feature in its latest update earlier this week, a feature that allows you to store your identification documents in Telegram's end-to-end encrypted cloud, and then access them whenever you want. have to share them with a third party. The idea is great because just scan everything once, store it in the cloud, and then share the data with online businesses that need these documents before signing up for specific services.
The idea is incredibly scary because you have to trust Telegram to store this type of documentation in the cloud safely and hope that no one else can access it.
Telegram claims that documents and personal data are protected by end-to-end encryption, just like their cats. Not so long ago, Telegram had serious problems with the Russian government precisely because it had taken a firm stance against providing a decryption key. So, Telegram takes security seriously. But the hacking of Telegram may have become much more attractive to malicious people.
Source of Image: Telegram
Have access to documents, which will be protected by a pbadword of your choice. When you want to share the data, it goes directly to the recipient.
In the future, the data will go to a decentralized cloud, which seems to indicate that Telegram could work on a cloud based blockchain. Solution. The company was to be hosting an initial offer of coins (ICO) this year, but these plans would have collapsed.
In fact, it is the exchanges and crypto as well as other financial companies that could benefit from this type of user authentication because many countries now require that cryptographic companies know the true identities of their customers. ePayments is the first electronic payment company to support Telegram Pbadport, and Telegram says developers can integrate it for free into their applications and services.
Telegram also states that in the future, third-party verification of Telegram pbadports will make it possible. even easier for companies to check you out. Instead of getting your data themselves, they will use a verification provider to confirm that your Telegram account is related to your true identity.
Now, of course, if you want your Telegram identity to be unrelated to your identity, it will either have to open a new second or ignore the function.
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