The biggest star was the space "lukematon"


  Самая большая звезда оказалась космическим "лучеметом"

Among scientists there is no consensus on their origin .

ETA Carinae, the largest and most agitated Galaxy star, is constantly generating a huge amount of cosmic rays, accelerating particles of matter at near-light speeds, according to an article published in the journal Nature Astronomy. It has long been known that shock waves generated after a supernova explosion can accelerate matter particles at the speed of light and "charge" them with a large amount of energy. It turns out that similar processes can take place in other extreme environments, for example, close to stars like those of the keel, "- said Kenji Hamaguchi (Hamaguchi Kenji) of the Space Flight Center from NASA Goddard to Greenbelt (USA)

Cosmic rays – elementary particles and atomic nuclei of different elements, accelerated to near light speeds, have long been one of the main mysteries of science and technology. sources of danger to the health of cosmonauts and astronauts, among scholars there is no consensus on their origin – some astronomers believe that these particles are accelerated in the hot remains of exploded stars in the Milky Way , while others badume that they are the source of the nucleus and gases in distant galaxies.

What is even more interesting, a third group of researchers They are generated by decays of dark matter particles in the center of the Galaxy.

Hamaguchi and his colleagues discovered another source of cosmic rays, observing the largest potentially the most dangerous star of the Milky Way – This supergiant in the constellation Carina, with a NuSTAR X-ray telescope.

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