The Great Barrier Reef may be dying: scientists send urgent warning


Scientists send flares, once again, to warn the world that the Great Barrier Reef could face a tragic end sooner rather than later. Indeed, a new report published by the Climate Council adds to the growing research suggesting that the world's largest reef system – even visible from space – is likely to reach a state irreparable in the coming decades if levels of pollution by greenhouse gases are not reduced.

The greatest concern, according to the report, is the rate at which reef coral bleaches. Coral bleaching is what happens when the water temperature rises, or the coral is exposed to runoff and pollution. When this happens, the coral eliminates the algae that make the coral whiten – hence the name "whitening". According to the National Ocean Service bleaching does not always lead to the death of coral. He can recover, but only if he is no longer exposed to the state of stress that made him fade in the first place. When it is bleached, the coral is vulnerable and can eventually die if it stays in such a stressful environment.

Experts predict that bleaching could occur every two years if greenhouse gas pollution rates remain the same as today. In 2034, the extreme temperatures of the ocean that led to the bleaching events of 2016 and 2017 can occur every two years under current rates of pollution by greenhouse gases, thus destroying the Great Barrier Reef. Coral, "explains the report.

To put the alarming rate into perspective, at the end of the 20th century – according to the report – large-scale laundering occurred on average every 27 years. Today, the average rate is about once every six years. An increase every two years could be catastrophic. "This will effectively sign the death certificate of one of the largest living marine structures in the world," said Martin Rice, Acting Director General of the Climate Council issued by the New York Times. "This should serve as a serious warning signal to governments around the world that they are acting now."

Australia is indeed aware of the urgency and steps to be taken to save the reef. In April, the authorities announced that the Australian government had developed a plan to invest A $ 500 million in reef conservation. However, the report of the Climate Council noted that such efforts are undermined by the failure of the government to take action to combat climate change, the real culprit

"Yet the funding to deal with the most great threat to coral reefs – in the 2018 budget, from $ 3 billion in 2018 to $ 1.6 billion in 2019, and it will be reduced to $ 1.25 billion by 2022, "states the "In addition, ocean acidification will increasingly undermine processes that resist reef resilience by reducing the ability of corals to develop and maintain their skeletons."

To properly correct the fate of Great Barrier Reef "Limiting the temperature rise above pre-industrial levels to a maximum of 1.5 ° C is essential for the survival of at least some reefs worldwide," he said. he added, reports. An increase in global average temperature of 1.5 ° C above pre-industrial levels would put 70 percent of coral reefs at risk of long-term degradation by 2100 and a rise of 2 ° C would make 99 cent of the coral reefs at risk. 19659007] The reports add that "global greenhouse gas emissions must reach their peak by 2020 at the latest and reach zero values ​​by 2050 at the latest."

According to the Institute of Environmental and Energy Studies, US accounts for 5% of the world's population, but produces nearly 28% of global carbon emissions.

Indeed, the main objective of the Paris Climate Agreement – to cluster globally to reduce carbon emissions – was Donald Trump. In addition, former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott recently suggested that Australia should also opt out of the deal, according to reports.

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