The Keto Bike Diet is the new go-to weight loss tour. Here's all you need to know | aptitude


Diet Keto enjoyed a sudden popularity because of its spectacular results. Almost everyone who is looking to lose weight has considered trying or has already slipped into ketosis (seasoned ketoers, we are watching you). But just like all the fad diets that are still evolving, there is now a new version of the keto diet that excites people. This is what is called keto cycling.

Keto Cycling, also called Cyclic Ketogenic Diet, or CKD for short, is actually a less restrictive form of keto (yes, that means more Yaaay carbs!), For those who are looking for a better time. an alternative to this extreme diet to lose weight and stay in shape.

When you start keto, you go on a zero-carb diet . And when your body shows withdrawal symptoms, you come with "flu keto". This means that your body goes from burning carbohydrates and sugar for energy to burning fat. And like any flu, you will experience some symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, sleeplessness and dizziness. But once your body is used, the symptoms disappear. However, if these symptoms persist, it means that you have gone too far with your carb restriction, which is where ketone cycling comes in.

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Thus, keto cycling means having five to six days of ketogenic diet strict then a day of top cheat carbohydrates You eat low-grade carbohydrates in carbohydrates throughout the week and allow yourself a day of high carbohydrate cheat meal. The goal is to get out of ketosis to replenish muscle glycogen.

So, should you try it?

According to the experts, there is no concrete research on the benefits of ketone cycling. Eating a low carb meal may be good for some, but may not work for others. And if you follow a keto diet, as soon as you eat carbohydrates, you will get out of the ketosis.

However, getting in and out of ketosis can not only benefit from your hormones, but can also help you cope with eating in a better way. Giving yourself a few breaks can help you focus on the rest of the strict and structured days.

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Now if you are worried about the idea to start ketosis again, here is a little advice. For people who have been on the keto diet for a long time can easily rebound into ketosis. In addition, opting for low GI complex carbs on your cheat days can help you ease the transition.

But here are some things to keep in mind before trying cyclic ketogenic diet or keto cycling.

Do not eat after 18 hours on the last day of rehydration carb

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Day 1 diet Keto: Wake up and perform a HIIT or intense weight training on an empty stomach. After the workout, start your keto diet with 0-2% carbs.

Day 2 of the keto diet: Wake up and perform MISS (medium intensity intensity state) or a medium intensity weight training, again on the empty stomach. Return to normal keto diet with 3-5% of carbohydrate intake.

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