The long-term use of the smartphone affects the memory of adolescents: study


According to one study, long-term exposure to mobile phone radiation could have a negative effect on the memory of certain areas of the brain in adolescents


Scientists from the Swiss Institute of Tropical Health and Public Health (Swiss TPH) have studied the relationship between exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) and memory performance at home. adolescents

. The cerebral exposure to EMF after one year can have a negative effect on the development of memory performance in adolescents, confirming the earlier results published in 2015.

Figural memory is mainly located in the right hemisphere and badociated with FR -EMF was more pronounced in adolescents using the mobile phone on the right side of the head.

"This may suggest that the RF-EMFs absorbed by the brain are responsible for the badociations observed," said Martin Roosli, environment manager. Exhibitions and Health at Swiss TPH

The rapid evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) accompanies an increase in exposure to radio frequencies. In everyday life, electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)

The most important source of exposure for the brain is the use of a mobile phone near the head, according to the researchers.

Other aspects of the use of wireless communication, such as sending text messages, playing games or surfing the Internet, do not involve that a marginal exposure to electromagnetic waves and are not badociated. With the development of memory performance.

"A unique feature of this study is the use of data objectively collected by mobile phone users from mobile operators," said Roosli

. influence of other factors.

"For example, the results of the study might have been affected by puberty, which affects both the use of the mobile phone and the cognitive and behavioral state of the participant," said Roosli

. "It is still unclear how RF-EMFs could potentially affect brain processes or the relevance of our long-term results," Roosli said

"Potential risks to the brain can be minimized by using a headset or the by calling, especially when the network quality is low and the mobile phone is operating at maximum power, "he said.

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