The mother who would do anything to protect her cub: Lioness takes wild dogs, so her baby can escape


The mother who would do anything to protect her cub: The brave lioness takes the wild dogs, so her baby can escape

  • Lioness fight the wild dogs so that her cub can s & # 39; 39; escape. , and tourists saw a dog the following day with a limp

Simon Rushton for Mailonline

1:05 pm EDT, July 24, 2018

1:16 pm EDT, July 24, 2018

A lioness heroine invites a pack of hungry wild dogs to attack her, allowing her little one to escape.

Shalin Fernando was on a safari through Moremi Reserve in Botswana when she saw a mother and her cub circled by

The pack of at least nine predators closes their circle on the pair, the lioness leaps on a couple of dogs inviting the rest of the pack to come down on it.

on the mother, the little baby sneaks and hides in a tree far from the fray.

Shalin says, "I was speechless and worried about the lioness and her cub."

"We spent about half an hour with a beautiful lioness and her cub then go looking for wild dogs.

" Arriving at the scene, wild dogs fell on the lioness and her cub and have started to threaten them.

  The lioness was surrounded by a pack of At least nine wild dogs.While lion and lion survived the fight, a dog was seen the next day

  The lioness was surrounded by a pack from at least nine wild dogs. The lioness and cub survived the fight, but a dog was seen hobbling the next day

. The lioness was surrounded by a pack of at least nine wild dogs. The lioness and the cub survived the fight, but a dog was seen limping the next day

"According to our guide, all of her previous cubs have not survived." The dogs continued to attack but later they gave up and moved

"The lioness and her cub were safe.

" We saw the wild dogs the next day and one of the dogs had been bitten and he was limping. "

  Moremi Game Reserve in Botswana a few meters from a safari tourist truck

  The dramatic clash occurred in the Moremi Reserve in Botswana just a few meters from the beach. a safari tourist truck

The dramatic shock occurred in the game of Moremi Reserve in Botswana a few meters from a safari tourist truck



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