The mother's lifestyle choices related to adolescent obesity risk


Durban – According to one study, teens whose mothers follow a healthy diet, routinely train and quit smoking are 75% less likely to develop obesity.

The findings also suggest that women's children who 'study demonstrate that a global healthy lifestyle outweighs all the factors of healthy lifestyle habits followed by mothers when it This is to reduce the risk of obesity. of obesity in their children, "said Qi Sun, of Harvard University. Chan School of Public Health, USA.

For the study, published in the journal The BMJ, the team examined data from 24,289 children ages nine to 18, born to 16,945 women. They examined the badociation between a mother's lifestyle and the risk of obesity in their children and teens.

The results showed that 5.3% of group members developed obesity during a median follow-up period of five years. Maternal obesity, smoking, and physical inactivity were strongly badociated with obesity in children and adolescents.

The greatest decrease in the risk of obesity was observed when mothers and children adopted healthy lifestyle habits.

The risk of obesity was also lower among children whose mothers had low or moderate blood alcohol concentrations compared with those whose mothers did not consume alcohol.

Moreover, mothers' dietary habits were not obesity in their children, perhaps because children's eating habits are influenced by many factors, including school meals and meals. food options available in their neighborhood.


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