The opposition of Mars brings spectacular views of the Red Planet – Space


The opposition of Mars. Photo: NASA
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The opposition of Mars. Photo: NASA


This month, astronomers will have a close-up view of Mars

Like all planets, Earth and Mars are in orbit around the Sun, but they do so at different speeds. Earth rotates around twice as fast as Mars, so every two years they catch up.

The Opposition of Mars is happening this month and means Mars and the Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth,

Derek Demeter, director of the planetarium at Seminole State College, says that this is the only way to go. is the closest planet to Earth for over 15 years, making it larger than usual and offering an exceptionally detailed view

. "It's big enough for you to see the characteristics of the planet's surface," says Demeter, "including the polar ice caps, some of the largest basins of Mars." This gives you the impression that you are actually looking at a planet instead of a tiny red dot. "

Demeter says that Mars will come out of the southeast sky at around 10 o'clock. The best time to see Mars is towards the end of the month.

At the end of July, the Central Florida Astronomical Society will host free telescope events

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