The stars of & # 39; Guardians of the Galaxy & # 39; s' express after shooting James Gunn


Zoe Saldana, Chris Pratt, and several others Guardians of the Galaxy spoke after the dismissal of director James Gunn.

Gunn, 51, made the first two games of the Marvel franchise and was working on the third script when he was suddenly released by Disney on Friday. The decision was motivated by the discovery of intentionally provocative satirical tweets of 2008 and 2009 on topics ranging from pedophilia to rape. In a statement, Walt Disney Studios president Alan Horn described "offensive attitudes and statements" that were "indefensible and inconsistent" with the values ​​of the studio

Gunn apologized for tweets, calling them "wildly insensitive" and several movies "The cast members broke their silence."

"The weekend was tough, I'm not going to lie," Saldana tweeted Sunday. "I pause to take everything before I speak in the short term. I just want everyone to know that I love all of my GOTG family members. Always. "

A few hours later, Pratt followed with a quote from the Bible:" Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters. Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to talk, slow to anger. "

Co-star Karen Gilliam weighed in, tweeting:" Loving each member of my GOTG family. "

Dave Bautista said Gunn, tweeting:" I'll have more to say but for now all I'll say is this .. @ JamesGunn is one the most loving, caring, good natured people I have ever met. He is sweet and kind and cares deeply about people and animals. He made mistakes. We all have. I do not agree with what happens to him. "

Meanwhile, actress Selma Blair on Twitter promoted a petition to rehire Gunn in Marvel, which garnered more than 190,000 signatures on Monday afternoon." Because if people are punished despite the change, while it teaches people to own mistakes and to evolve? "wrote Blair." This man is one of the good ones. "[19659005] In a statement after his dismissal, Gunn said: "My words from almost ten years ago were, at the time, completely unsuccessful and unfortunate efforts to be provocative. I have regretted them for many years – not just because they were stupid, not at all funny, wildly insensitive, and certainly not provocative as I had hoped, but also because they were not do not reflect the person I am or a while. "

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