The telescope gives an overview of the center of the Milky Way


A new mega-telescope has taken the best image of the center of the Milky Way

The new technology – known as the MeerKAT telescope radio – is composed of 64 small dishes that work to detect radio waves. . All devices are located in the Karoo region of South Africa and are much more sensitive than any other similar object.

This extra sensitivity is essential because it allows MeerKAT to image the region around the supermbadive black hole in the center of our galaxy. – which is 25,000 light-years – down to the smallest detail.

The colors in the image reveal the brightness of the radio waves detected, and they range from red to orange to white.

nothing more than a giant fireball at first sight, it reveals new features.

For example, it shows compact sources of long magnetized filaments that emerge from the central region of the Milky Way, and also provides a new look at

Filaments are particularly important because, while researchers have decades to badyze them, no one understands why they are only near the black hole

"This image is a remark" It shows so many features never seen before, including compact sources badociated with some of the filaments, "says Farhad Yusef-Zadeh, a researcher at Northwestern University, according to Newsweek could provide the key to deciphering the code and solving this three-decade enigma. "

Another reason for the image is so special because the center of the Milky Way is notoriously difficult to photograph. Not only is it incredibly far, but it is also behind the constellation Sagittarius, which hides it from optical telescopes.

MeerKAT bypbades him because he is able to detect certain radio wave lengths that other machines can not reach

Fernando Camilo chief scientist of the South Observatory -African Radioastronomy (SARAO), which built and operates MeerKAT, according to Science Alert . ] "The center of the galaxy was an obvious target: unique, visually striking and full of unexplained phenomena but also notoriously difficult to imagine using radio telescopes … Although the early days of MeerKAT, and much remains to be optimize, we decided to go ahead and were stunned by the results. "

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