The Trailer of the Final Season – Comic-Con Revealed


By Tanner Dedmon

A New Trailer for Telltale & # 39; s The Walking Dead: The Final Season was released today before his great performance during San Diego Comic

The last installation of Telltale The Walking Dead The final season is scheduled for August 14th. Players will not have to wait so long to see more with the trailer published today, coupled with live gameplay expected to arrive on Thursday. If you're not able to capture these live footage, you'll still be able to find it on Telltale Games' YouTube channel the next day.

If you followed with the previous Walking Dead Telltale Games, you'll know that this past season continues the story of Clementine, a girl who has tough decisions before her involving AJ and the rest of his group. "

" Clementine, now a fierce and capable survivor, has reached the last chapter of her journey, "a description of the game reads." After years spent on the road facing threats both alive and dead, an isolated school could ultimately be his chance for a home. But to protect it means sacrifice. Clem must build a life and become a leader while watching over AJ, an orphaned boy and the closest thing to the family that she has left. In this exciting and moving final season, you will define your relationships, fight the undead and determine the end of Clementine's story. "

Some features of the game have also been highlighted, such as the camera system and more, these features seen below.

  • Emotional and emotional story – See Clementine's journey up to the While it's building a new life, you will have to face new types of choices and live with the consequences that AJ looks at, learning from all your movements.
  • More control, more tension – A new camera on the shoulder system, greater freedom to explore detailed environments, and scenes of improvised fights capture the fear of living in a world invaded by the undead. The most engaging The Walking Dead game to date
  • A striking new visual style – The all new Graphic Black style rips ink from the pages of the Eisner Award-winning comic series and brings the world to The Walkin g Dead to life like never before.

The Walking Dead: The Final Season is out August 14, but you're buying it now on Steam for 10 percent of the normal price.

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