The United States will miss the eclipse of the century


A lunar eclipse is not unusual. Habitually. But the one due on July 28 is somewhat different. It will fall under the shadow of the Earth for four hours

The entire eclipse – when the veil of the Earth's shadow completely erases what would otherwise be the silver surface of the moon – will last 1 hour and 43 minutes

This is the longest lunar eclipse to be experienced this century

and most of the world will see the light of day.

While the best observation will be from East Africa, the Middle East and some parts of Europe and Asia,

Unfortunately, according to NASA, the United States will completely miss this lunar event because the moon will pbad over Canada before crossing the Atlantic Ocean to Northern Europe.

The moon will be low on our horizon when it begins to get dark

And it will lie completely immersed in a dull red stain.

This is because the only sunlight to reach the moon will be bouncing off the upper atmosphere of the sunset or sunr ise regions. And just as these daily events are accompanied by the reddish hues of refracted sunlight, that's what will reach the moon.

Lunar eclipses generally last much longer than their solar counterparts. The shadow worn by the moon is much smaller than that produced by our own planet.

The result is usually that a solar eclipse is only seen by the relative that falls under the moon's masking orb. But the nocturnal transformation of the moon into red blood orb can be seen by anyone on Earth while it's dark.

A super blue blood moon earlier this year has earned its attractive name through a series of coincidences. He was closer to Earth than usual (which you will not notice). It was also the second full moon of the month (result of our Gregorian calendar).

But it was red. And that makes him scary.

This time, the moon will be at its apex – the furthest point from Earth's orbit. This means that it will cross the space at a point where the cone of the Earth's shadow is wider – making the eclipse longer.

According to NASA, its 103-minute duration is four minutes from its maximum duration. ] [ad_2]
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