The world's first colored human X-ray applies CERN technology used in search of "god particles".


The world's first color radiographs of human body parts were published on July 10. Historical images were taken with revolutionary technology called the MARS spectral X-ray scanner. ( MARS Bioimaging )

A father and son tandem from New Zealand introduced the first color X-ray scanner adapted from the technology used to find the Higgs boson

Phil (father) and Anthony (son) Butler from the Universities of Canterbury and Otago, dedicated for 10 years to the construction of their 3D X-ray scanner. Finally, on July 10, they released the first X-rays of the first human to have been scanned by technology.

The machine called MARS X-ray scanner is expected to help health professionals in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, as well as heart disease by providing colorful images that are much closer to what the human body looks like inwardly .

The MARS radiograph can show fat, water, calcium and other markers of diseases in the body.

Over the next few months, the X-ray scanner will be the subject of its first clinical trial of patients in orthopedics and rheumatology in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Colored X-Ray Technology

person to have been scanned using revolutionary technology is none other than Phil himself. He scanned his ankle and wrist. The scan of his wrist was incredibly detailed, it even included the watch he wore

(Photo: MARS Bioimaging)

The scan of his feet was also accurate and showed even the yellowish soft tissue in its sole.

(Photo: MARS Bioimaging)

"Traditional black and white X-rays only allow the measurement of the density and shape of an object," says Anthony, pointing out the advantage of MARS compared to the traditional X-ray machine.

Anthony mentions that researchers are currently using a smaller version of the MARS scanner to study cancer and other vascular diseases. The initial results of these studies suggest that MARS scanners will provide more accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment.

Phil and Anthony said that they were developing a machine capable of scanning the whole body.

CERN Medipix3 Technology

The Butlers applied the Medipix3 technology used by the European Organization for Nuclear Research in the search for the "particle of God" or the Higgs boson

The Medipix chip was originally developed to help the Large Hadron Collider with its particle acceleration processes. In the 20 years since the introduction of the chip, it has undergone various improvements.

In recent years, the chip has proved important in other fields of science apart from the study of high energy physics. In the case of the MARS scanner, CERN's Medipix3 chip is relevant in the medical field.

Medipix3 is the most advanced version of the chip. Philip said the technology distinguishes the MARS scanner because it produces images that no other X-ray machine tool can achieve.

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