Trump mounts ante in the trade war between the United States and China


Trade Alerts. The Chinese Foreign Ministry says that the US-led trade war has become the biggest "killer of confidence" for the global economy. At a regular press briefing, Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for the ministry, claimed that the United States was making reasons to pursue commercial actions and warned that if the United States continued to want, the United States would countries around the world back. Reuters

Anbang auction. Chinese insurance Anbang seeks to sell $ 10 billion worth of goods abroad. In recent years, Insurer was one of the most acquired companies in China, signing contracts worth $ 30 billion.The most famous, in 2014, Anbang bought the Waldorf Astoria in New York for $ 1.95 billion, but this unit will not be included in future sales.In February, the government took control of Anbang, fearing that it represents a major financial risk. May, the president who had overseen most of Anbang's purchases was sentenced to 18 years in prison for fraud and embezzlement. Reuters

Economic flows. This week the authorities have signed a plan to integrate the major economies of the Yangtze Delta over the three years This is just the latest of China's integration plans: a similar plan is in place for the northern regions of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei (the Jing-Jin-Ji plan) and there has been much talk to integrate Greater Bay Area ", encompbading Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other key cities. The Yangtze River Delta includes Shanghai as well as the hometown of Hangzhou, Alibaba's technology center, and is one of the most productive areas of East China, encompbading finance, agriculture, agriculture Industry and shipping. Global Times

Blocked Stocks. Hong Kong missed the record IPO of Alibaba in 2014 because the stock exchange did not allow dual clbad shares. Determined not to repeat the error, the HKEX began to authorize dual clbad actions this year and Xiaomi was the first to take advantage of the new policy. However, Xiaomi and the HKEX have been hit hard last weekend when stock markets on the mainland said that they would not allow Xiaomi to trade on the Stock Connect – a system that allows continental investors to trade on the continent. buying shares listed in Hong Kong the list of clbades was too little known to buyers on the continent. It was another setback for Xiaomi, which had a bumpy launch, and shares fell nearly 10% on the news. But on Wednesday, HKEX officials reached an agreement with their counterparts from the mainland to allow the inclusion of dual clbad actions. But Xiaomi will have to wait again. Morning morning in South China

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