Twitter starts killing millions of inactive and suspicious accounts


July 12 (UPI) – In an effort to foster better communication between its users, the social media giant Twitter has said that it will purge millions of inactive or illegitimate accounts.

Twitter announced in a blog post on Wednesday it will delete the accounts immediately. The average user will lose about four subscribers, while those with a larger audience might see a greater loss.

Twitter started serving accounts this week.

More specifically, the social communication platform has noticed an increase in "misleading links" "

The purpose of the purge is to encourage the" health of the conversation "and to improve confidence said Vijaya Gadde, the chief counsel of Twitter.

"The number of followers is a visible feature, and we" Everyone must have confidence that the numbers are meaningful and accurate, "said Gadde.

Twitter said the purge will not affect spam accounts, or "bots" – only those created by real users, some of which are believed to be However, continued Gadde, Twitter will target always the spam accounts, which, according to her, become "more and more predictable" and "can be automatically stopped with our technology".

Twitter sai Last week, his anti-spam technology could identify approximately 10 million suspicious accounts each week and shut them down.

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