Twitter strengthens developers' access to its APIs – Adweek


Twitter is taking steps to clean up its image and avoid its own version of the Cambridge Analytica data scandal, announcing that it has removed more than 143,000 apps that violated its policies between April and June he set up a new process for developers

Manager, trust and security Yoel Roth and senior director of product management Rob Johnson wrote in a blog post "We do not tolerate the use of our APIs to generate spam, manipulate conversations or invade the privacy of Twitter users, "adds the social network that" continues to invest "in tools and processes to quickly trap the malicious applications

. its platform, which is why the Twitter self-service developer account request process originally launched last November is now required for all requests for access to standard and premium network APIs. And all developers who currently have access to the APIs will "possibly" be required to complete a developer account application, Roth and Johnson saying that they will receive "at least 90 days notice" before the rule takes effect.

Roth And Johnson wrote, "While this change adds a few steps and extra time to the process of starting to access our APIs, we are committed to supporting all developers who want to build high-end experiences. Quality and compliant with policies using our development platform and APIs, while reducing the impact of bad actors on our service. "

The application process requires developers to provide detailed information on their use or intent to use Twitter APIs., Delays while those that do not comply with company policies." will be rejected.

Developers who change the way their applications use the APIs following the approval of their applications, such as asking for access to more products or features, including the possibility to display frequently and at high volumes, "may be subject to more rigorous additional policy reviews."

Twitter also announced that unique developer accounts are now limited to the registration of 10 applications, and that developers who need to exceed this limit can request authorization through the for developers who already have more than 10 registered applications may continue to use them, but they will not be able to add new ones until they have requested permission or deleted applications that they do not use anymore.

Effective September 10th, the following limits are placed on all applications that do not go through a new application process:

  • 300 tweets and retweets combined by three hours.
  • 1,000 likes per 24 hours
  • 1,000 followed by 24 hours.
  • 15,000 Roth and Johnson wrote: "To make this change minimal, we proactively review potentially affected application policies and contact eligible developers with instructions on how to request high access. so that their applications are "

    Finally, Twitter has also introduced a new way for people to report potential violations of its platform policies: the option" Report a misapplication In his help center. 1965900 2] Roth and Johnson conclude: "Although we generally like to give developers more time to prepare for such changes, we're accelerating this change because protecting our platform and people using Twitter from abuse and manipulation is our top priority. Despite the fast turnaround time, we want to make sure that developers have the time to submit the necessary information and that we can finish all revisions with minimal disruption to rules-compliant applications. "[19659014]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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