UAV researchers develop the engineering method for flying using body movements


F First-person vision goggles have already given drone pilots the ability to fly over fireworks and hover over active volcanoes as if they were themselves same quadcopters. But now, a team of researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) gives enthusiasts the ability to spread their wings and fly – literally – by developing drones that can be directed by moving the torso.

An article published Monday in the newspaper PNAS the group proposes to abandon the joysticks and let the future pilots use their bodies as controllers. The first author Jenifer Miehlbradt says Inverse that this method of driving quads is more intuitive than that of his video game-inspired counterpart, releasing the mental energy of a pilot to focus more on his environment. This great new method could replace joysticks for some tasks in "a few years."

"We wanted to find an alternative to joysticks to control drones because the connection between the movement you make with your hand and the movement of the drone is sometimes difficult to grasp," she explains. to make your body become what you want to control. "

Robotician Carine Rognon shows the body combination that will allow drone enthusiasts to pilot their quadcopters with their bodies outside the lab. [19659005L'équipeadécidéd'adoptersonapprocheaprèsavoirdemandéà17personnesd'imaginerqu'ellesvolaientalorsqu'ellesregardaientdesséquencesdedronespréenregistréesavecunepairedelunettesVRMiehlbradtaobservélesmouvementsetl'activitémusculairedesessujetsenutilisant19marqueursdecapturedemouvementinfrarougesdansunlaboratoirepouridentifierdesmodèlesrécurrents

So that & # 39; a person posed like Superman for their false flight, the majority bou their torsos were a little bit like the bank is running the planes. The Miehlbradt team understood that they could follow this simple movement using only four torso markers. This discovery then allowed another team of EPFL researchers – led by co-author Dario Floreano – to design a wearable combination with built-in accelerometers to take this research out of the lab.

Miehlbradt thinks that this control technique can one day spot certain areas or allow drone tours in inaccessible areas.

  drone driving without joystick
Miehlbradt demonstrates the torso strategy developed at EPFL. [19659005"Notreidéedemiseenœuvreestplussivousvoulezutiliserundronepourcartographierunescèneoùilyaeuuntremblementdeterrepourrechercherdesvictimesoudestâchesd'investigationspécifiques"expliqueMiehlbradt"Cestâchesvousdemandentdecontrôlerledroneetd'badyserl'environnementsimultanémentdesortequelachargecognitiveestbeaucoupplusélevéeJepensequelecontrôledudroneavecvotrecorpsvouspermettradevousconcentrerdavantagesurcequivousentoure"

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