USC Announces Major Study on Prostate Cancer in Black Men – Daily News


USC Keck Medical School (courtesy photo)

LOS ANGELES – The USC Keck School of Medicine leads a $ 26.5 million effort to lead the first large-scale multi-institutional study of black men with prostate cancer. why they are at higher risk of developing more aggressive forms of the disease and why they are more likely to die from it, the university announced Tuesday.

The RESPOND study, funded by grants from the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute on Minority Health and Disease Health and the Prostate Cancer Foundation, will look at the role of social stressors and the Genetics in the development of prostate cancer in African-American men, according to a USC statement. The researchers hope to recruit 10,000 African-American men across the country to participate in the study.

"African American men are not only twice as likely to develop prostate cancer, but they are more likely to have an aggressive form. disease, and we do not know why, "said the project's principal investigator, Christopher Haiman, professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School. "This is a health disparity that needs to be addressed.Many money, time and effort has gone into studies in men of European origin; time to devote a large-scale effort to men of African descent. "

The RESPOND study will focus on the biological and social factors that may influence the development of prostate cancer in this group. Social stresses such as discrimination, socio-economic status, education, early life events and where men live will be evaluated via an online survey.Surveys have shown that stress affects health, but it is unclear whether stress has an impact on the development of aggressive prostate cancer, said Haiman. [ad_2]
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