Watch the drunk of the International Space Station pull out a small satellite that will fetch material – BGR


You might think of satellites as large, large spaceships that cross the Earth's orbit like giant beasts, but that could not be further from the truth. Many modern satellites are small, but they do a lot of very important work, and the International Space Station just dump another one over Australia. Its mission will be to find the missing material

The mini satellite calls a CubeSat because, well, it has the shape of a box, and this particular CubeSat will scrutinize the Milky Way and study its halo . What is a galaxy halo? Well, dear reader, I am so glad you asked!

You see, when it comes to explaining the universe, astronomers have a big problem on their hands. Based on past research and observations, scientists think that they have a pretty good idea of ​​the amount of normal matter in the universe (that's the Earth, the Moon and even yourself ), dark matter (no one really knows what it is), and black energy (a mysterious force that makes the universe bigger). Unfortunately, there is not enough normal matter for their calculations to make sense.

According to all current data, only half of the normal material that exists should be taken into account, and no one really knows where the rest is. it came. One theory is that it exists in the form of gaseous "halos" surrounding established galaxies. NASA's satellite has been tasked with studying these gases and the shape of their mbadive cloud around the Milky Way. By knowing its shape, researchers can estimate its mbad and perhaps fill in the holes in their calculations of normal matter in the universe.

The mini-satellite weighs only about 26 pounds according to NASA, and measures one foot on its longest side. Small satellites like this have allowed scientists to conduct research more easily thanks to the ability to send many of them into orbit at a fraction of the cost of larger equipment. Hope this one finds something cool.

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