Babies who receive solid foods, as well as bad milk as early as three months of age, show better signs of sleep than those fed only with milk up to the age of six months, suggests a new study in Britain. Image: kupicoo / Istock.com via AFP
Babies who are given solid foods, as well as bad milk from the age of three months, show better signs of sleep than those fed only with milk until they reach the age of three months. At the age of six months,
While the practice did not provide for totally uninterrupted sleep nights, the study of 1,303 children in England and Wales between 2009 and 2012 showed that babies who received solids earlier than normal
Parents of half of the children were encouraged to give solid foods to their babies, such as white fish or wheat, before six months, while the other half was forced to stick to bad milk until then. The findings, published Monday in JAMA Pediatrics, showed that babies who started earlier on solids slept longer and woke less often at night.
The effect was light but noticeable. The study showed that the feeding of solid babies decreased the median number of times they awoke at night from 2.01 to 1.74 times per night.
Sleep duration also differed, with a peak of 16 minutes of sleep per night at the age "In a randomized clinical trial, the early introduction of solids into infant feeding was badociated with longer sleep, waking less often at night, and a reduction in very serious sleep problems, "says the report.
Researchers at King's College of London and the University of London admitted that it was possible that mothers giving solids to their babies responded positively to their questions, s & # 39; Waiting for a positive effect since many parents believe that the practice encourages a better sleep.
But they said that it was unlikely that prejudice persists beyond six months. MKH
For parents with grumpy babies, here is an application for you
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