West Nile virus was detected in more mosquito samples in Dauphin County


West Nile virus was found in new mosquito samples in Dauphin County, bringing the annual total to 62, according to Dauphin County authorities. Harrisburg, Township of Conewago, Township of East Hanover, Township of Derry, Township of Halifax, Township of Lower Paxton, Township of Londonderry, Borough of Lykens, Township of Middle Paxton, Borough of Millersburg, District of Paxtang Township of Susquehanna, Township of Swatara, Township of Washington and Township of Hanover. [19659002NucoccidentalnuvirusesurveillanceinNineworldmarkedinDomphincetheyear

The WNV control program continues to closely monitor conditions and is implementing control measures to reduce the mosquito population. , according to the release

Only certain species of mosquitoes carry West Nile virus that can cause West Nile encephalitis transmitted to people. The infection can lead to inflammation of the brain, according to the statement.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated that all residents of areas where the activity of the virus has been identified may be suffering from West Nile encephalitis.

The following precautions are recommended by census officials:

  • Buy products with Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) – a naturally occurring bacterium that kills mosquito larvae but is safe for humans, animals and wildlife. plants.
  • Remove standing water from pots, containers, pool covers, tires, wheelbarrows, wading pools, gutters and other containers that retain water.
  • Make sure mosquito nets fit snugly over doors and windows Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants and socks when you're outdoors, especially when mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk, or in areas known to have a large number of mosquitoes
  • . exposure at dawn and dusk during peak periods of mosquitoes, usually from April to October
  • Use insect repellents according to the manufacturer's instructions. An effective repellent will contain DEET, picaridin or lemon eucalyptus oil. Consult a pediatrician or family doctor if you have questions about the use of a repellent in children because it is not recommended for children under two months old.

To learn more about WNV and prevention, visit the CDC website at www.cdc.gov/westnile. For more information on the Dauphin County VNO Control Program, contact Christopher Hooper, Program Coordinator, at + 1-717-921-8100

More West Nile virus-infected mosquitoes in the center of the country

in another central community of Pa.

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