A number of serious topics dominate our current global agenda, but many scientific minds would argue that climate change is by far the most urgent. One study projected the global average temperature of 11 degrees Fahrenheit (about -11 degrees Celsius) and contextualizes this figure with the fact that the average temperatures during the last glaciation of the Earth (a period when the polar ice caps exponentially increased leaves and glaciers) were just 4 degrees Fahrenheit lower than they are today (about -15 degrees Celsius). Africa is particularly vulnerable to climate change because of our continued dependence on agriculture and our relatively underdeveloped infrastructure; seismic changes in temperature would leave Africans less affluent at the mercy of weather conditions to which we are not accustomed, which would inevitably lead to deaths (on a scale that we can not even measure). In fact, Paul Polman, the current CEO of Unilever, has called climate change a "greater risk to African growth" because of the unpredictable ravages that he is already beginning to provoke on the continent. . It is therefore imperative that Africans inform each other of the phenomenon while striving, to the best of our abilities, to limit the carbon footprints left on the planet.
The Science of Climate Change
The terms "climate change" and "global warming" are used interchangeably.This is because the "warming" of the planet is what causes the changes in Climate change is primarily caused by a surplus of "greenhouse gases," particularly carbon dioxide, and greenhouse gases are gases that absorb and emit energy. The sun is a constant source of heat through the ultraviolet and infrared rays that it projects on the planet.In normal atmospheric conditions, some of the heat solar can escape from the earth, but the continuous release of carbon dioxide and methane caused by human activities means that the atmosphere holds back more of the solar heat and therefore the global temperature is rising. Carbon dioxide is the chemical of burning carbon-based substances such as wood, coal which is a product of wood, diesel, propane and other similar substances. Methane is produced biologically, and overexploitation of farm animals is a growing concern for climate change activists in terms of production. It is said that humans have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by more than 40%, and the effects on our planet are clear.
The effects of climate change up to now
Many animal species are on the brink of extinction. climate change. The decrease in polar ice caps (especially the Arctic) translates into the literal erasure of environments for polar bears (whose conservation status is "vulnerable"), seals and others. The African elephant, also "vulnerable", is suffering from a similar disease due to continued deforestation for carbon dioxide-producing activities and marine turtle populations are suffering from the reduction of the temperature of the sand in which they lay their eggs. Rising sea temperatures are decimating coral reefs around the world, requiring centuries of rectification.
Studies predict that the Dead Sea will be dry by 2050 as it shrinks by 4 feet (about one meter) each year. the dry season of tropical forests is growing longer. Scientists are very concerned about the Amazon because the long dry seasons combined with deforestation threaten to wipe out many of its unique species; the dry season only needs a few more weeks to cause the expected damage. East Africa is experiencing severe periodic droughts, resulting in widespread famine. And a 2015 study by Nature Climate Change predicts that temperatures in the Middle East and Southwest Asia will increase beyond the maximum possible for human habitation. The reduction of habitats for wild animals is prophetic of the fate we will undergo ourselves if a radical change is not implemented. The obvious change of seasons in Zambia is only the beginning
Africa and climate change
The aforementioned droughts in East Africa are not well managed by governments. It is not necessarily the fault of these governments (although some guilt must be imposed), climate change presents a problem for humanity as never before. Governments around the world are struggling to manage it, with the coming floods in Bangladesh showing how difficult the problems are.
From last year to early 2018, the El Niño weather event caused droughts in southern Africa. Although El Niño is not itself caused by climate change and there is scientific debate about the weather or not, the current state of global warming is what makes it worse. 39, has lengthened, the crises caused by drought are illustrated. could bring. In Zambia, El Niño destroyed crops, caused food shortages and made many Zambians particularly uncomfortable. It was a similar state of affairs in neighboring countries like Zimbabwe and Malawi, many governments were forced to redirect funds in order to address the threat of famine. However, the most poignant example of the effects of El Nino was felt in Cape Town, where the South African government 0212621283 threatened to completely cut off the water supply of its populations. It is only after everyday that citizens have taken steps to supply the city with water that the crisis has eased at least until a certain point. However, Cape Town was only a city, climate change is not limited to a city, a nation or a continent, it will simultaneously cause many crises in many places, when it will really start doing her brand. By then, it will be too late to prevent it
Your Carbon Footprint
It is imperative that we, as citizens, shoulder our responsibilities and produce the least amount of emissions of carbon dioxide. Many believe that there is still time to avoid the fate that awaits us, but we must be proactive. It is important to plant trees, avoid waste, clean in general and use energy sources and environmentally friendly products. If enough people become aware of their effects, the planet can not punish us for the mistakes of the past.
Zambia – Plant A Million
The Plant-A-Million Initiative is a tree planting movement with the ambition to become Africa. first example of a "economy based on the tree". The vision of the initiative is to create a "tree-based economy" that will enable us to mitigate climate change with economic benefits for Zambia. Grow your money from trees!
Stop talking. Start playing!
For more information, contact Emanuel Chibesakunda at info@PlantAMillion.co.zm:
+260 (211) 257800
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