A new study adds to the growing evidence that vaping devices are not the answer if you want to stop smoking. The researchers found that over 90% of test participants still smoked cigarettes after one year of vaping. ( Lindsay Fox | Pixabay )
The pitch with vaping devices has always been an effective alternative to people who are moving towards a life without nicotine. In other words, vaping is widely considered to help someone stop smoking altogether.
A number of studies have shown that such claims are false, however – or at least misleading. This new publication, published June 9 in the journal PLOS One adds to the growing list of research devoted to demystifying the myth of vaping devices as aids to smoking cessation
. found that American adult smokers who did not use vaping devices were in fact more than twice as likely to quit as those who consumed them. More shockingly, over 90% of smokers who smoked at the start of the study were still smoking a year later. More than half of these smokers still smoked.
Scott Weaver, badistant professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Georgia State University and senior author of the study, think that vaping products have "We must consider changes in their design, marketing or their regulations that could help them become more effective as smoking cessation tools, "says Weaver, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.
Despite the discouraging results, there is a glimmer of hope in the study: the number of double smokers who quit smoking – those who use both vaping devices and traditional cigarettes – was higher than the overall smoking rate among US smokers
. The numerous studies on Vaping
Weaver and his team's study adds to the growing body of evidence that vaping may not be as effective for people who want to quit smoking as previously thought. As such, it makes the dialogue about vaping devices even more contradictory – some previous papers have shown that they help, while a lot of others have found that they do not do it. Until now, the irrefutable proof that vaping can help someone to quit smoking is at best limited, and no reputable institution has voiced support for vaping in the context of smoking cessation. .
Yet, the number of American smokers has dropped considerably. in recent years. In 2009, the smoking rate was 20.6%; in 2017, it fell to only 13.9%. However, ventilation devices are not the only ones responsible for this change. Taxes on cigarettes and anti-smoking campaigns have probably played an important role in this slowdown.
"Certainly e-cigarettes are part of it," says Nancy Rigotti, director of the Mbadachusetts General Hospital's Center for Tobacco Research and Treatment. But in the end, the researchers said they found "no evidence" that US vaping devices from 2015 to 2016 "helped adult smokers to stop at higher rates than smokers who did not use these products ".
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