You can now listen to Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong on their journey on the Moon


Forty-nine years ago this month, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin entered history as they landed on the surface of the moon.

NASA in collaboration with the University of Texas at Dallas (UT) has released 19,000 hours of audio recorded inside the command module, providing a unique insight into the famous Apollo 11.

On July 20, 1969, millions of people around the world watching the live broadcast of the landing heard the now legendary conversation. place just after the Lunar Module Eagle landed with only 30 seconds of fuel remaining.

Armstrong X-rayed the mission control by noticing: "Houston, tranquility base here, the eagle has landed." Back in Houston, NASA staff erupted, Charlie Ducke, a capsule communicator, jokingly replies, "You have a group of guys who are going to become blue, we are still breathing."

But during the eight-day, three-hour mission, countless other conversations took place between Armstrong, Aldrin, and third astronaut, Michael Collins, and field operators. Every second of these 24-hour communications, called "loops", was recorded on tape.

These fragile recordings remained locked in climate-controlled vaults with the only functional tape recorder capable of storing them at the Johnson Space Center of NASA,

Through close collaboration, the researchers of the UT and space agency researchers have completed the conversion of these recordings from badog format to digital format and have put them online for the first time. transcripts of conversations. Together, the recordings reveal a fascinating, untold story of Apollo 11.

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"The effort is a A way to contribute to the recognition of countless scientists, engineers and specialists who have worked behind the scenes of the Apollo program to make it a success, "said John HL Hansen, the project's lead researcher, in a statement. "These are really the" heroes behind the heroes "of Apollo 11!"

Much of the audio consists of a critical but fairly dry technical correspondence between the crew and the staff of support on the ground, sometimes interspersed with enlightening exchanges on personal lives. But the recordings also contain several captivating moments.

The conversations that took place during the drama of "life and death" just before touchdown were most captivating when lunar module computer systems threatened to disrupt the landing. There are also a number of humorous exchanges, revealing the ability of astronauts to remain calm even in stressful situations.

In one of the bands, two NASA flight controllers work with Aldrin to determine why the sensor designed to measure his breathing was not working properly. After 10-15 minutes, they are still unable to determine what is wrong with how Buzz jokes: "Well, if I stop breathing, I'll be sure to let you know!"

Another Aldrin feature record complains that much of the Earth's surface is water and demands control of the mission if they can do anything to

"We are approaching the 50th anniversary of Apollo, and I am really pleased that this resource is available." Mark Geyer, director of the Johnson Space Center, said in the statement.

"The experience is one of the best teachers, as we continue our work of expanding the human exploration of our solar system, return to the Moon and Mars, we are on the shoulders of the giants who made Apollo.These tapes provide a unique insight into what it takes to make history and what it will take to make the future. "[19659002] The NASA audio collection can be found here.

The UT The Dallas audio collection can be found here.

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