Your first memory was probably FICTIONAL, scientists reveal | Science | New


A new report published by the research center in the Clerkenwell area of ​​the capital revealed that all two-year-old memories are likely to be "fictitious".

This happens despite four in ten (40%) people claiming to have clear memories of the first two years of their lives.

But according to Pastest, who provides revision material for medical revision, the memories are more complex than people believe

are not stored in our brains like books in a library, but rather as a puzzle that disparate parts of the brain have restored.

Dr. Shazia Akhtar, the first author on the new research paper, described these first fictitious memories in our lives, there is an "episodic-memory-like mental representation".

He added that these consisted of "memorized fragments of early experiences and some facts or knowledge about their own childhood / childhood"

. Most of your early years from objects such as photographs, conversations or furniture around which you grew up became the focus of your first "memories".

They are combined with supposed knowledge adapted to the age. Conway claimed that people are not able to understand that their first memories are fictitious because of the complex nature of the brain.

He said: "Over time these fragments become a memory and often the person will start adding things." Crucially, the person who remembers them does not know that it is a fiction. "

" In fact, when people are told that their memories are wrong, they do not do it often. believe it.

"This is partly because the systems that allow us to remember things are very complex." 19659002 "It is only when we are five or six that we form memories of an adult, how the brain develops and because of our maturation an understanding of the world."

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