Boyfriend Dungeon developers apologize after fan reaction to content warning


Kitfox Games apologized for the content warning in Boyfriend Dungeon, acknowledging that it “inadequately describes” the events of the game.

Kitfox posted his apology on Twitter This past weekend was when the conversation about the most potentially triggering aspects of the game really peaked. The studio also confirmed that a new content warning will be added soon.

This likely means that the content warning will more accurately describe the harassment and emotional manipulation present throughout the game.

The content warning currently in the game – the original – states that “this game may include references to unwanted advances, stalking and other forms of emotional manipulation.” It also tells players to “play with caution” as stated in The Verge content disclaimer cover.

The larger discussion around the content disclaimer was not so much that it doesn’t mention all of the potentially triggering content in the game, but more that the disclaimer doesn’t necessarily mention how integral that content is. the progression of the story.

IGN’s own review of Boyfriend Dungeon addressed this in his review: “I was extremely uncomfortable responding to his creepy messages. As soon as I realized I could just ignore it, I did and spent the summer of my character. the dungeons and completing three character paths, I realized that you can’t, in fact, get around his goose bumps; if you don’t respond to an asshole’s texts, you can’t complete the story. Yikes. ”

The review goes on and mentions that Boyfriend Dungeon has a content warning at the beginning that warns players of potentially uncomfortable situations, but “he didn’t say I had to participate.”

“Physical notes, extra dunj challenges, or a myriad of other threats would have been better than forcing us to give space – and answering Eric [the stalker] messages and choosing to engage is to give space – for him to continue his crass ways, “continued IGN’s criticism.” If that was me, I would block him and be done with it. ”

This is not possible in-game, however, and it looks like Kitfox Games is apologizing for not mentioning it in the in-game content disclaimer. The new content disclaimer that promises to be “more specific “will likely address this essential aspect of the game.

Check out our full thoughts on the game in IGN’s Friends Dungeon then watch this five minute boyfriend dungeon gameplay video.

Wesley LeBlanc is a freelance news writer and guidebook maker for IGN. You can follow it on Twitter @LeBlancWes.


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