Brad Pitt flies into space with mega dad's problems in the first trailer of Ad Astra


Brad Pitt plays an astronaut looking for his long-lost father (Tommy Lee Jones). Ad Astra.

An astronaut must venture to the edge of our solar system to save the planet in the first trailer of the science fiction drama Ad Astra.

Director James Gray (The lost city of Zsaid he wanted to make a film describing the space trip in the most realistic way possible "and basically say," Space is terribly hostile to us. "It's a kind of Heart of darkness history of traveling to the periphery of our solar system. "The official synopsis sums up the wave of grandiosity:" Astronaut Roy McBride (Brad Pitt) travels to the periphery of the solar system to find his missing and mysterious father who threatens the survival of our planet. His journey will reveal secrets that challenge the nature of human existence and our place in the cosmos. "

The trailer showcases some of the details. The plot concerns a project called the LIMA project, whose captain, Clifford (Tommy Lee Jones), was captain. The mission was to drive extraterrestrial life forward, but it disappeared around the age of 16, the crew being presumed dead. Apparently, this may not be the case: Clifford McBride may still be alive and responsible for a series of catastrophic surges on Earth that have killed many people. It's up to Roy to go out into space in search of all that remains of the LIMA project, with the order to destroy it completely if necessary. Since this would also involve the destruction of his own father, it is not surprising that pre-flight psychological assessment is so preoccupied with his emotional state.

The production values ​​are high, there is a cast of big names and a competent director, and the studio has shifted the release date of the film from May to September, perhaps to better position for the price season. Gray's vision is certainly ambitious. But I can not help but think that I've already seen this movie exactly several times before, up to dad's problems, and it's a shame to see the beautiful and talented Liv Tyler reduced to playing yet another woman from the space, abandoned. It will be necessary to wait until autumn to see what differentiates Ad Astra of all the other science fiction space adventures that preceded.

Ad Astra It is currently expected that the film will be released on September 20, 2019.

Announcement image by YouTube / 20th Century Fox


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