✅Company creates a "DNA fax" capable of sending genetic material from anywhere


Have you ever thought of pbading DNA from one place to another like old fax machines? Although the idea seems too daring – or even crazy – so far, it's basically what Synthetic Genomics Inc. offers. The company has created a machine that can convert genetic codes into strands. DNA that can be "printed" overnight.

Capable of dealing with any science fiction story, the project tends to transform areas such as medicine. Called Digital to Biological Converter (DBC) or Digital to Biological Converter, the machine can revolutionize vaccine creation by eliminating time-consuming process steps.

According to the Vice President of DNA Technologies at Synthetic Genomics Inc., DBC can be considered as a teleportation of biological material. "All the functions and characteristics of living beings are written in a DNA code, so if you can read and write this code, then it will be possible to reproduce it anywhere in the world in theory."

Wall Street Journal, there is even a functional prototype of the machine. In less than 24 hours, the device manages to transform a digital DNA code into synthetic biological material, such as viruses and proteins. To do this, tiny pieces of DNA code are produced, which are "sewn" into a process known as "Gibson Assembly".

Despite the great potential already presented by the machine, the DBC is not yet for sale The company is working to reduce the size of the equipment and increase its accuracy because a slight modification The genetic code can lead to unexpected results in the creation of vaccines and other treatments. Researchers in synthetic genomics believe that the DBC will be ready for the academic community within three to five years.

Synthetic genomics scientists believe that DBC will be ready for the academic community within three to five years. Currently, the company is selling a modified version of the device, called BioXp System, which prints genetic material using reagents loaded up to $ 80,000. The device is currently sold for research in universities, laboratories and governments.

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