Impeccable, Brazil passes the Netherlands and imposes against the half of the League | Volleyball


When the ball hit the Dutch pitch for the first time, José Roberto Guimarães did not celebrate. At the edge of the yard, as usual, he was trying to keep his cool. With each move, however, their selection showed evidence of progress on the way to the final in Nanjing. In an almost perfect match, Brazil has shown no signs of wear of so much time on the road. In the opening phase of the League of Nations, the Netherlands beat the Netherlands in 3 sets to 0, partial 25/16, 25/17 and 25/23. The victory ensured the place in the semi-final without depending on the results of the match against China Friday at 9:15 (Brasilia time). SporTV broadcasts the game that sets the direction of Group A live, and follows in real time.

Tandara was Brazil's top scorer with 17 points. Gabi, however, was the highlight. With 14 points, the tip remained until the end of the match for the first time in the League of Nations. Recovered, it was accurate in the collar and in the attack. Brazil has ten blocks and six points of service, which worked very well. The Dutch climax was opposite Lonneke Slöetjes with 15 points.

See how the point-to-point match unfolded

In the first game of the day, Turkey came back strong. The team led by coach Giovanni Guidetti beat Serbia in 3 sets to 2, partial 25/20, 21/25, 18/25, 25/19 and 14/16. With the result, the Turks lead the stalemate of the B key of the competition with three points. Now, they are waiting for the result of the United States and Serbia, Friday, looking for the vacancy for the semi-finals. Teams face each other at 4 am, with live broadcast of SporTV 2.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "Highlights: Brazil 3 x 0 Netherlands by women's volleyball League of Nations" Best time: Brazil 3 x 0 Netherlands by League of Nations Women's Volleyball

The Netherlands have even opened 2 -0 in the faceoff. But the good start of the competitors did not lose the focus in Brazil. Who were on the field and well in the defensive system, they reached the first technical stop ahead, with an 8/6, after attacking outside Maret. In the perfect Amanda service, the Brazilian advantage quickly jumped to 11/7. then he explored the rival block with a touch of clbad, and Jamie Morrison stopped the game for the first time.

Up to now, the Netherlands has tried to react but Brazil has taken the game in hand. for Zé call Jaqueline for the first time in court, back to the point – again When Amanda came to the net and sent the ball to the ground, the selection already had 21/13 on the scoreboard. The confidence was so great that Ze even stopped a play to admit that the ball had already touched the Dutch soil, rightly so. In the end, Gabi closed the first account: 25/16. Tandara faces a triple Dutch lockout in the League of Nations final (Photo: FIVB News) "src =" date "Tandara faces the triple Dutch lockout in the League of Nations final (Photo: FIVB): image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAATABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGwAAAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGBwECAwT / xAAWAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAH / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAUvJltVirHvfMMmqsDtvWSgI / wD / xAAeEAACAgICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAECAAYFERMUF aAAgBAQABBQIHgsOqslUdX6n0pw2kBVwnFjQqPVgNg // // + YUwIBw3sBbU2lWIoXvP EABoRAAEFAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAgMREiH / 2gAIAQMBAT8BHb0pNcKnjY0WApWi6X // xAAeEQACAQMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADEUESMWGhwf / aAAgBAgEBPwF6GgKVG56ipQBKk2txKbE5x7En / 8QALBAAAgEDAgMFCQAAAAAAAAAAAQIDAAQREiETIjEQIzJx8DM0UWFikpSx0f / aAAgBAQAGPwKRTF323LojOxHWuJGxbD41CCP5VAyZTVkFUiiJHn / A9o / 2Q UWa5dkzkYAqOzjvJFQ vkRthtefhn1tXAtZGW6J8bb4XyFe / yfiGrrkHi9furZAeQGPAq2CqqgvJ0H09n EAB8QAAICAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExQVHBEGHR8P // / // aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQm2fg aAAgBAQABPyEjwAmtQhaCi6hEyZGycVeESXw1BCL6ElnJ9Lwx4EA0brKQjIh7aUNSQGRuHg9JEmJZLeubn73ubTS17faIzB0sBkOPyBJGB NOC + / 8QAGxEBAAMAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARITFBUdH / 2gAIAQMBAT8QYrCgArdTK575iFtb4wAMVLoNzuFACj7P / 8QAHREBAAICAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARIUExUWHB0f / aAAgBAgEBPxC57It4oNO + uPcX9Ztfe / LEgU5bhLbP / 8QAHxABAQEAAgICAwAAAAAAAAAAAREhADFBYVGREHGB / 9oACAEBAAE / EIndtVBoJ5BbFgIzLDUKGuoQiCVMKc313YAUOGEQMJecXaFWWkcEtN / nvncpcUZISP1GWPE57 / SCqlhYmleB + Nk6klEp1wOGrnz6JUa9gLCCdNb9cJeaFosiFN6Pg57j65 // 2Q == "/> < img clbad = "picture content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "faces Tandara Tandara faces a triple Dutch lockout in the final of the League of Nations (Photo: FIVB Disclosure)" date-src = "https: //×2616/984×0/smart/filters:strip_icc()/ AUTH_bc8228b6673f488aa253bbcb03c80ec5 / intern Tandara faces the triple Dutch lockout in the League of Nations final (Photo: FIVB Press Release)

The Dutch have tried to come back more aggressive against the Dutch in the European Championship in the last phase of the League of Nations

. the second set. Brazil, however, remained firm. Amanda, in a stroke, made Brazil reach 8/5 in the first technical stop. The Netherlands did their best, but ran into the safety of Zé Roberto's team. From here, there were very few defects, and they all shone. With 14/8 on the scoreboard, Jamie Morrison stopped the match once more.

Not much further Brazil repeated the first set and shot. Halftime score was 2 – 0. Tandara enjoyed most of the ball, as they maintained 52 percent of possession. Belien, in an ace, tried to give life to his team. He could not. The selection was still missing three consecutive draws, but Adenízia led Brazil to victory on the set: 25/17.

The Netherlands has tried to stay strong. I wanted to avoid eliminating the finals at all costs. For a moment, he even managed to impose it. Brazil has begun to make mistakes that it has not made so far. Gradually, however, the Brazilian team regained control of the match. Despite the rivals' struggle, Brazil has closed by mistake Plak: 25/23.

Partial: 25/16, 25/17 and 25/23
Brazil: Tandara, Gabi, Bia, Adenizia, Roberta and Amanda.
Technician: José Roberto Guimarães
The Netherlands: Lonneke Slöetjes, Yvon Belien, Dijkema, Buijs, Maret Balkestein-Grothues and Juliette Lohuis.
Technician: Jamie Morrison

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