Hospital das Clínicas will be the first unit to offer male prenatal health in BH – Saúde


In order to promote a more comprehensive prevention system for the health of babies, the UFMG Clinic Hospital (HC-UFMG) is now offering unprecedented male prenatal care in Belo Horizonte. With the series of tests, doctors can detect early diseases and help promote the baby's health in the short and long term.

The method is already a strategy practiced since 2011 by the Ministry of Health to stimulate the male population preventive blood tests during the partner's pregnancy, such as blood sugar and cholesterol, various serologies and weight evaluation , among others. They are also guided by the general aspects of pregnancy and newborn care, from simple companions to becoming active participants from every moment of gestation.

"The goal is to meet the typical Brazilian man: one who is healthy and does not have time to go to the health center, we want to use the moment where he organizes himself to accompany his wife or girlfriend and improve his health "said HC-UFMG ambulatory obstetric coordinator and professor of UFMG Faculty of Medicine, Regina Amélia Aguiar, who is in charge of the project

The doctor also concluded that patients with detected diseases will be referred for treatment in the primary care units. An example cited for emphasizing the importance of prenatal care is the early detection of syphilis. If an infected man has unprotected bad with the pregnant woman, he can transmit the disease to the partner, who pbades to the child during delivery or even pregnancy, which can lead to serious consequences such as that miscarriage, premature birth, poor fetal formation, deafness, blindness, among others.

How to Participate

The interested in taking the exams does not need to make any appointments. It is enough that the companion is patient of HC-UFMG and performs prenatal in the establishment.


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