In the fight against AIDS, England and Colombia are fighting a late diagnosis – AIDS Agency


Colombia and England face off at the Spartak Arena in Moscow, Russia, in a match that closes the 16th of the 2018 World Cup. Colombians won first place in Group H after have triumphed 1-0 over Senegal and have arrived at the badault, trying to repeat the feat of four years ago when they reached the quarterfinals and were eliminated by the Brazilian national team. The English were in second place in Group G, as they kept the holders against Belgium 1-0.

In the AIDS conflict, the prevalence among adults in Colombia is high, 0 , 4%. In addition, UNAIDS estimates that 45,000 people have become orphaned by AIDS in the country, which is the fifth leading cause of death among the labor force. On the other hand, in England, late diagnoses are a big challenge. According to the Public Health Report of England and the United Kingdom, in 2016, 42% of diagnoses were made at an advanced stage of infection. Recall how the two countries are fighting against AIDS:


With a rich historical heritage, Colombia has the second largest population of South America, made up of mix between Indians, Africans and Europeans, especially Spaniards. According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS) in 2016, 120,000 people live with HIV in Colombia, out of a population of 48 million.

The prevalence among adults is high, 0.4%. There are 5,600 new infections each year and UNAIDS estimates that 45,000 people are orphaned by AIDS in the country.

Only 36% of people who know they live with HIV have an undetectable viral load. Prevalence among bad workers: 1.2%

– Prevalence among men who have bad with men: 17 The prevalence rate among men who have bad with men is 17%.

More issues:

Prevalence among people who inject drugs: 2.8%

– Prevalence among transbaduals: 21.4%

On Health in the Country

Colombia has a health system from the drug crisis observed between 1991 and 1993. The 1991 Constitution incorporated the state of social law and guaranteed universal access to social security. Currently, 80% of the population is covered by the health system, but delivery in rural areas, the poorest and most autonomous professionals has been achieved dramatically.

There are two ways to access the Colombian health system: the first is the Contribution Plan (RC), for employees and their families with a monthly contribution to the government and the other is the Plan Subsidized (SR), in which the government covers the poorest people who can not afford the first scheme

is the fifth largest cause of death in the labor force. Since the arrival of the virus in the country, 0.5% of the population has been contaminated, more than double what is observed in Brazil (0.2%). Colombian health secretary Guillermo Jaramillo, who is responsible for health in the country and is familiar with several other health systems, badured President Juan Manuel Santos that the program had been set up in the country for the figures to be downloaded.

The Colombian health system needs a change in the basic structures. According to him, in a letter to the President, cases of corruption and structural failures of the system could paralyze him.


The Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS (Unaids) does not calculate data from England separately, but from the United Kingdom formed by, besides England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are 101,200 people living with HIV / AIDS. There are 6,095 new infections per year and 594 AIDS deaths have been registered so far. The prevalence of HIV is 0.16%.

Already among men who have bad with men, the prevalence is 2.5%. As for treatment, the figures are encouraging: 96% of infected adults take antiretrovirals. And 94% have an undetectable viral load.

On the other hand, late diagnosis is a major challenge. According to the United Kingdom and United Kingdom Public Health Report, in 2016, 42% of diagnoses were made at an advanced stage of infection.

In addition, another problem is related to the lack of information. A recent survey in the United Kingdom found that only 45% of the population could identify forms of HIV transmission.

More on the Country

The health system is the same for all UK Kingdom. The National Health Service or NHS, as we know, is the largest public health system and the oldest in the world.

All London neighborhoods have general surgery that functions as a local health center, a

Treatment for HIV infection is the only one that the health system does not provide for foreigners, who have to pay for antiretrovirals. According to those responsible for this measure, it has a twofold advantage: it prevents foreigners from ending up in English hospitals because of the complications caused by AIDS, which entails a very high processing cost and considerably reduces the likelihood of being treated. Infection with the Virus

News Agency AIDS Newsroom

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