BB indicates Giseitiro Genso for the retail area; exchange of the presidency of security


SÃO PAULO, Brazil (Reuters) – Banco do Brasil announced Tuesday changes to its board of directors, as well as pension funds for its employees, Previ, and BB Seguridade, branch of insurance and retirement pension

decided to appoint the current chairman of the pension fund, Gueitiro Genso, who had a mandate until 2019, to be the vice president of retail distribution and people management. For Genso Square in Previ, BB said the current president of Seguridade BB, José Maurício Pereira Coelho

The BB appointed to the presidency of BB Seguridade Antônio Maurício Maurano, who was until now deputy -president of the wholesale business. the bank. And to replace Maurano, BB has named Walter Malieni Junior, vice president of distribution.

The institution also appointed João Pinto Rabelo Júnior, current director of the government, to the vice presidency of services, infrastructure and operations

The bank did not inform the reason for changing the function of frames.

(By Alberto Alerigi Jr.)

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