Bolsonaro defends the pro-market agenda, but does not detail the proposals for debate


BRASÍLIA – With a pro-market speech, but without details, the presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) was interrupted by applause several times in the debate with the pre-candidates to the Plbadto promoted by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) in Brasília Wednesday The MP defended a liberal agenda with the extension of the power of private initiative in the economy, but could not give details on any of his proposals. In his speech, Bolsonaro used an expression that became famous in the mouth of US President Donald Trump.

In his speech, Bolsonaro used an expression that became famous in the mouth of US President Donald Trump. "We want to give the big sign that we can grow Brazil," he said. In the United States, the Republican President reiterated that it was possible to "make America still great".

For the pre-candidate, Brazil is "virtually insolvent" because of the budget commitment with mandatory spending. With this diagnosis, Bolsonaro defended the reduction in the size of the state and the discussion of pension reform, but criticized the proposal of the presidential also Henrique Meirelles. "It's a new patch on old pants," he said.

Even when he was questioned about the proposals of topics important to the public entrepreneurs – as initiatives to increase the competitiveness of the industry or expand international agreements, the candidate generic responses and n 39 did not provide details. "Do we have to understand everything?", He said, who put Brazil in this chaotic situation.

On foreign trade, for example, the MP said that he will look for new trading partners, such as Israel, and commented that Mercosur "has become a weapon" so that Brazil integrates Bolivarismo. "Commenting on Venezuela's entry into the group, the pre-candidate said that former president Dilma Rousseff" was making decisions based on intelligence from Cuba and Venezuela. "

One of the few details provided by Bolsonaro was the intention to reduce the ministries closer to 15. One of those that would happen by merger would be that of Agriculture with that of the Environment. In this leaner ministry, several chosen ones would be military.

In addition to the defense, the pre-candidate stated that he could put military personnel in the Ministry of Transport and in the US. Science and Technology " I spoke to Marcos Pontes, our e astronaut, to go there, "he said.


Bolsonaro also stated that the more critics he receives, the more likely he is to win in the first round. "I think we have everything to gain in the first round," he said, adding that he would participate "in all debates". "I'm looking forward to this day," he said, commenting on the possibility of a debate on TV Globo. (19659002) At the request of some industrialists, Bolsonaro said that he was against the racial quota system in education. "I am against the quota, we are equal, we are competent," he said. "You can make mistakes with me, others have already made a mistake"

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