Nobel laureate widow Liu Xiaobo leaves China | World


Chinese poet Liu Xia, widow of Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, left China on Tuesday (10) and arrived at the Helsinki International Airport in Finland.

Liu, 57, was under house arrest because she had no freedom of movement since 2010, when her husband was awarded the Nobel Prize. The death of Liu Xiaobo, a victim of liver cancer in July 2017, has not changed the game.

"Today, at 11am, Liu Xia embarked on a Finnair flight and left Beijing for Helsinki, the capital of Finland," told AFP the duo's friend , Ye Du. Later, the agency released photos of Liu Xia at the airport in Helsinki.

<img clbad = "progressive-draft" alt = "A woman puts a flower in front of Liu Xiaobo's photo at the Nobel Peace Prize office in Oslo (Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix via AP)" title = Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo (photo: Audun Braastad / NTB Scanpix via AP) "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAASABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcFBgECA // // EABYBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIBA aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABb / FGScNxYyHtw2jMg8t44Ff / xAAgEAACAgEDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAEFAAIRFBITFSMy / 9oACAEBAAEFArG6WO / LAuE9AYqfHjy408EoXjWYE1mxt92cYjdVOPXH11Tn / 8QAGBEBAQADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgABEjH / 2gAIAQMBAT8BOZLeEu3 / xAAZEQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIxAxL / 2gAIAQIBAT8BpImPK0o54f / EACMQAAEEAQMEAwAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAQMREiExQQQTcYFRYXL / 2gAIAQEABj8ChgC3PR3LRmrNkQ9wM8Kq / KaM6G6ah5LZcJusFyOff 5xZitvWiKLqoWimARIZYB1Y3bVQd6XOKO3bLfwuVJ VF9ih9rd1 + / 8QAIRABAAMAAQMFAQAAAAAAAAAAAQARITFBUZEQYYHB0fH / 2gAIAQEAAT8hGOw4gA3rba1nZlClYEbtxCouDyt vHo9lmb4cWc + / bACJoH7ZehnmJFKpnTxT5nuSCUFOqBZW0L3mrNpp4n96f // aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQfr / f / 8QAHBEBAAIBBQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARECExkfDx / 9oACAED EQA / TZI EEdU4hMQqu xAAZEQEAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABADEQESH + // / // 2gAIAQIBAT8QQoNQdHUth EACAQAQEBAQACAAcAAAAAAAAAAAERIQBBUTFhcYGh8PH / 2gAIAQEAAT8QYti p4iKMO DeIhR0Vynx28mnGi48cI vgeu + + + + + + V HYewzj9UQm0oKLOEivYSLY0UfSkeZ8dwagNNtfZlvfsPLDDEVOLGui0hg zsbDQ2RSfTv7nv / 2Q == "A woman places a flower in front of the photo of Liu Xiaobo to the office of Nobel peace in Oslo (Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix via AP) "title =" A woman puts a flower in front of Liu Xiaobo's photo at the Nobel Peace Prize office in Oslo (Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix via AP) "data-src ="×1191/984×0/smart/filters: strip_icc () / [19659005] A woman puts a flower in front of Liu Xiaobo's photo at the Nobel Peace Prize office in Oslo (Photo: Audun / Photo / Audios / Photo: Audun The dissident Liu Xiaobo, who took part in the Tiananmen Square protests Tiananmen) in 1989, was sentenced in 2009 to 11 years in prison for "subversion" of having signed a petition for free elections.

in China. The activist died last year while he was serving his sentence, a tragic fact that made him the first recipient of the novel to die in prison since the Nazi period in Germany.

Liu Xia was monitored by the Chinese political police, although he was not found guilty. She remained under this regime after the death of her husband, despite statements by the Chinese authorities that she was at liberty.

In May, five Western diplomats attempted to visit Liu Xia but were arrested by the police without any explanation. The United States, the European Union and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights have called for their release in Beijing.

In a recent touching phone call to a friend, Chinese writer Liao Yiwu, Liu said, "You will have to add a sentence in the Constitution that says," Loving Liu Xiaobo is a serious crime, c & 39; is a life sentence "

Liu Xia's departure comes after German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Beijing at the end of May

The same month, several well-known writers and artists, including Michael Chabon , Paul Auster and Khaled Hosseini, ask to be allowed to undergo medical treatment abroad.

A friend of his, the dissident writer Liao Yiwu, who lives in exile in Germany, told the time that the poet had confessed during a phone conversation that she was ready to "let herself die" by the Chinese government, left the country.

"It is really wonderful that Liu Xia finally be allowed to leave China after all he has suffered in recent years, "said Patrick Poon of Amnesty International.

"She is suffering from depression and it is good that she can receive treatment abroad."

Poon, however, expressed concern about the fate of Liu Xia's brother, Liu Hui, who remains in China.

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