Ask your questions about vaccination against measles and polio – News


Brazil is on alert for measles and poliomyelitis. The diseases that have been eradicated, but they have returned to the alert in the country. The Brazilian Ministry of Health has called on Brazilians to boost immunization, but many people do not know exactly who should take both vaccines.

Both vaccines are offered in the basic health units of SUS, all over Brazil. .

If you have not yet made the SUS card or lost the vaccination card, you can still get a vaccination card. ] Measles case

To date, five states have confirmed cases of measles: Amazonas, Roraima, Rondonia, Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro. Amazonas and Roraima together represent about 500 confirmed cases and more than 1.8 thousand cases in research. Rio Grande do Sul has 6 confirmed cases. Rio de Janeiro has confirmed 2 cases and Rondônia, 1.

The vaccine that protects against measles is the triple virus, which also immunizes against mumps and rubella.

According to the Brazilian Society of Immunization (Sbim), to be considered protected, the person must have taken two doses with a minimum interval of one month, provided that the first was taken after one year of life .

your doubts about measles

Previously, the first dose was given before the baby was one year old; later, the national immunization program began offering a single dose after 12 months. Therefore, those who have not taken both doses after the first birthday should receive one or two booster doses. Anyone who has doubts, that is to say does not know when he took both doses of the vaccine, should take it anyway. There is no risk.

The side effects of measles vaccine are rare. Possible side effects occur in less than 0.1% of vaccinees and include burning, redness, pain, and nodule formation only at the site of the vaccine. According to Sbim, there is no possibility that the vavine causes any kind of neurological problem, such as autism. [5] [5] This is wrong.

The vaccine is contraindicated in people suspected of measles, pregnant women, children under 6 months of age and immunocompromised persons. The pregnant woman should wait to be vaccinated after childbirth. If you are planning to become pregnant, the woman should protect herself from the disease and wait at least four weeks to get pregnant.

Read also: Poliomyelitis Can Return to Victims in Brazil

] Poliomyelitis Vaccine

Polio has been eradicated in the Americas since over 25 years old. In Brazil, the last case was recorded in 1990. Nevertheless, there is a risk that the disease will reappear in Brazil because of low vaccination rates.

At the end of June, the Ministry of Health published a report. list with 312 cities where vaccination coverage was less than 50% last year. To increase this index, a new vaccination campaign was scheduled by the Ministry of Health and will be held throughout Brazil between 6 and 24 August.

According to Sbim, the polio immunization program should be from two months of life, with two more doses at four and six months, respectively, in addition to reinforcements between 15 and 18 months of age and at the same time. five years old.

Poliomyelitis vaccine is routinely indicated for all children under 5 years of age and adolescent and adult travelers in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where polio still exists or where there is a risk of transmission.

According to Sbim, the vaccine should not be administered to children with moderate to high fever over 38ºC. In this case, the vaccination should be delayed until the clinical condition improves. Diarrhea and mild vomiting do not contraindicate vaccination, but it is advisable to postpone or repeat the dose after four weeks.

The vaccine should also not be given to immunocompromised HIV persons and pregnant women

Learn which diseases can be prevented by a vaccine:

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