RIO – The Director General of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), Decio Oddone, said Thursday (19) that the first installment of payment to Petrobras and importers, related to the subsidy program
According to Oddone, the payment "has taken longer than expected" by the agency, because the accounts are "complex" and include the need to consult a government agency such as the Federal Revenue Service and the Treasury . The executive spoke to reporters at a press conference that published the results of the public takeover of contributions who consulted the company on the frequency of price adjustment inlays. fuel
The agency decided not to set a minimum periodicity for fuel price adjustments, said the managing director.
"We do not stray from the line, do not manage to decide or regulate, but we believe that these measures [de promoção da transparência] are more effective than the fixed periodicity", he commented. "The less interference, more competition, more transparency and fairer prices will be."
The ANP recommended further studies to prepare a resolution with some determinations. Among them, companies should begin to disclose the prices charged at each point of delivery. The measure directly affects Petrobras, which reveals only national average prices.
Asked if the measure will also apply to distributors, in their bases, and to importers, Oddone stated that the subject is being debated by the
"The ANP Regulates also the market, and not a particular agent, greater transparency is a very significant transformation that can have very beneficial consequences. "
in the resolution, refiners and other chain agents should no longer announce readjustment dates in advance.
The agency also announced that it will determine that companies should not institute fixed periodicity for readjustments.
The ANP's prediction is that the resolution be placed in public consultation within a month "The fixed periodicity may create conditions for preventive measures to be taken by others. agents, and published between 45 and 60 days
In addition to the resolution with measures to increase transparency in the formation of fuel prices, the regulatory body will also send recommendations to the government Oddone said that the ANP will inform the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (Cade) on the need for measures to stimulate the entry of new agents into the refining.
In addition, the ANP will send the Ministries of Finance and Mines and Energy contributions on the adoption of tax mechanisms to mitigate readjustments.
"We have identified the need Studying Petrobras' Monopoly in Refining "
Oddone reinforced the argument that fuel prices are formed from international oil prices and oil prices. exchange. "If we intervene in this, we create conditions that harm the economy," he said.
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