15-year-old girl arrested for abortion after being raped


The young woman interrupted the pregnancy for 6 months after being abused by her own brother


A teenager was sentenced to six months in prison in Indonesia for interrupting her pregnancy.


Jul 22, 2018, 5:32 pm

(spukkato / thinkstock) At the age of 15, the girl was raped by the older brother and became pregnant with the 17 year old boy

A court declared that she had been sentenced on Thursday 19 on the island of Sumatra. The older brother was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for badual badault on his sister while the girl is charged under the law.

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Both were arrested in June, after a fetus was found in a plantation of oil palms in the city of Pulau, in the province of Jambi.

Indonesian legislation prohibits abortions, except in situations that pose risks to the mother or in some cases of rape. In addition, the law requires abortion to occur in the first six weeks of pregnancy in the presence of a doctor.

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In this case, the teenager aborted six months after # 39; abortion. after being raped at least eight times by his brother since last September.

Second report of the WHO (World Health Organization), published in 2013, in Indonesia, abortion is the cause of 30 to 50% of maternal deaths. The laws of the country are constantly under the judgment of world organizations and women's rights badociations, because they are very restrictive and bring, even indirectly, women to illegal clinics.

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