Bruna Marquezine is delighted with her friend's wedding and vibrates with the moon: "They deserve it"


With the end of the novel "Deus Salve o Rei", which will have its last chapter presented next Monday and will show the tragic end of the wicked Catarina, Bruna Marquezine enjoys a holiday with her boyfriend, Neymar. This Saturday (28), however, the couple had a very special commitment: to marry Bruna's best friend, Hatália. "I still have not dropped the record that my best friend is going to marry," said the actress, one of the link 's bridesmaids.

Neymar ravished son of Regina Casé

One of the guests of the ceremony, who was invited to play at the ceremony, held in Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Regina Casé said live near Hattia. "Daughter of my neighbors and friends and that I saw little girl," said the artist. In her Instagram, Regina recorded some wedding moments and also the emotion of her son Roque during the meeting with Neymar. Roque said, "Mom, I'm going to tell you a secret … I saw Neymar here from our little corner of the world! "" Regina has reproduced

The actress will have an early birthday party

Second the newspaper "Extra", as soon as she will leave the wedding of her friend, Bruna Marquezine will receive friends at the Neymar mansion in Mangaratiba to celebrate his birthday in advance.

The artist abandons his career in Brazil

The artist refuses to take a break in Brazil

The singer, aged 23, was brought forward because the & 9 [[[[[[AthletewillhavetoreturntoParisSaint-GermainnextweekDespitethestablerelationshipwithNeymarwhocurrentlylivesandworksinParisBrunaMarquezineguaranteesthatshedoesnotevenplantogiveuphercareerinBrazil"IthinkthatonedaywhenpeoplewereplanningtoworkabroadtheyhadtotakeabreakfromtheircareershereinBraziltodevotethemselvesentirelytoworkinginthecountryalienallconnectedandopen-becausetheworldisopentoallconnectionsespeciallytheworldofthearts-Ithinkit'snolongernecessarytostopyourcareerinoneplacetotrytoworkontheother"heexplainedandhestressed:"WhereIhavetheopportunitytoworktheopportunitytomakecharactersnewthingsworkingwithpeoplethatIadmirelearngrowasaprofessionalIwillHereinmycountryoutsideIwilltakeavacationbutsoonIamstillworkingandwhereverGodtakesme!"