The medical team christens Giovana baby born for "miracle" in SP: 'Humanization & # 39; | Saints and Region


The accident occurred Thursday (26), in the vicinity of Km 527. The wooden planks carried by the truck fell on the pbadenger, who had a rupture of the abdomen . Emergency teams found the baby in the wreckage and transported him to the hospital, where he remains on the lookout.

According to an updated medical bulletin, the girl has already left the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where she was hospitalized due to the trauma of childbirth and was referred to an intensive care unit. She is healthy, has good and is very calm.

According to information from the hospital, the girl has already conquered all the medical staff, who affectionately called Giovana. This appointment also helps the situation of the baby, it is a process of humanization. She will stay at the health facility during investigations to identify family members.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "Baby born after his mother suffered a serious accident in Cajati [19659005] The civil police will use the

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "Baby is born after a mother suffered a serious accident in Cajati. ] The Institute of Forensic Medicine Registry (IML) has already collected the body's fingerprints and will forward them to the office of the headquarters of Cajati, where the case is examined [19659007] The mother the baby was not documented and until Monday morning (30), she had not yet been identified.After the information of the head of Cajati, Bruno Roberto da Silva of Assis, the next step will be sending impressions

"If she has RG [documento de identidade] in one of these states, we will be able to find her identity." If the police can not get the no. I am victimized by this means, the teams will check if there have been missing pregnancy reports recorded.

In addition, the Pariquera-Açu Tutelar Council released the photo of a victim's blouse, which was left in the truck. Those who recognize the clothes and have information about the baby's mother or family can contact Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm at (13) 3856-1552. After this period, you must contact the civilian police at (13) 3856-1973.

  Blouse can identify the mother of the baby (Photo: Rogerson Eduardo de Oliveira / Personal archive)   Blouse can identify the mother The blouse can identify the mother of the baby (Photo: Rogerson Eduardo de Oliveira / Personal archive) [19659011] Blouse can identify the baby mother (Photo: Rogerson Eduardo de Oliveira / Personal archive) </span> </p>
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He was also referred to the Pariquera-Açu Regional Hospital, but has already been released. In an official testimony to the police, he said that he does not remember what could have caused the accident.

"He could not tell if the baby's mother was wearing a belt." The driver explained that he did not know who she was, but he thought his first name would be Ingrid.He met her at a service station in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, and offered a turn to ABC Paulista.

Asked about having consumed alcohol or having eaten the substance, he denied. A police investigation was opened to determine the case of manslaughter in the direction of a motor vehicle. Police are waiting for a reward from the Institute of Forensic Science, which will indicate if the driver was reckless or there was a mechanical problem with the truck.

"The causes of the accident will be determined: if the driver of the truck is guilty, he will be heavier to have committed the accident in the practice of his profession" explains the delegate.

  Carreta overturned on the highway of Regis Bittencourt, in Cajati (Photo: Divulga / Arteris) "title =" Carreta overturned on the highway of Regis Bittencourt, in Cajati (Photo: Divulga / Arteris) " src = "data: image / jpeg; , / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAQUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIEBQYHA // EABcBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAQP / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAZZ / kkXDUO PKmZ9oHRZqWGP + / 8QAHhAAAQQCAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwABAgQFBhQWMzT / 2gAIAQEAAQUCFtlGafcKQXbYxXLXZ8WihiaRMOUjwbady4A1FF9TfEv / xAAYEQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAlEAEP / aAAgBAwEBPwEILis7 / 8QAGhEAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIAQQMQEf / aAAgBAgEBPwEO1iHLyt // xAAkEAACAAUEAQUAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADERIhBBAxkRMyQVGT4f / aAAgBAQAGPwIXHUWW3K1mIlvLdxLXLk5bqGU6txKzazVHUerVfT + + w1VUS25UsYrJSXb7BW4g VsfAWkcns7Df / 8QAHxAAAgIBBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAMSEQQVFxobHx / 9oACAEBAAE / IUewEGDIKL2IMCtJJbQTBGeXAdwcW LcgKCJvM + XlqBYUV2lDFDCzgbUS / EUoD7Tl6MUGm9en / 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABDxyMH / xAAbEQACAQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEQEQITGh4f / aAAgBAwEBPxBu + onpE4p 8QAGxEBAQABBQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAE CExcbH // / // 2gAIAQIBAT8QUO1lUp6L6mjzn EACAQAQACAQQCAwAAAAAAAAAAAAERIQAQMUFRcbGBkaH / 2gAIAQEAAT8QslapoGDsXSlYDojdQoUwYLBCcRhEKBLQPQE0UR5yqsGFSojaOdcoVORGsiINjYnw + 8Dj6Go4AXOs3 / aZ6nrT / 9k = "/> <picture itemscope=   Regis Bittencourt highway Carreta returned to Cajati (Reuters / Arteris)" title = "Carreta capotou on & # 39; Regis Bittencourt highway , in Cajati (Photo: Divulga / Arteris) "data-src =" </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
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Carreta overturned on the Regis Bittencourt motorway to Cajati (Spain).

The young woman, who was pregnant, was expelled from the truck and died after the rupture of her abdomen, which forced the baby to be born involuntarily. According to the doctors heard by G1 the body of the mother welcomed the girl in the first minutes of life, which was crucial for her survival.

"The fetus was expelled by the trauma [quando as tábuas caíram sobre a mulher]." When I arrived, the baby was entwined in the remains, I kidnapped this child, I followed the proper procedures and took the ambulance, "says lifeguard Elton Barbosa. G1

The girl was born with 3.12 kg and 46 centimeters, but she was hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit of the regional hospital as a precaution, but she has already been referred to another unit.

Municipal police stations in southern São Paulo and Paraná were activated to support the excavations, and in case the mother did not provide any information, police investigators and guardians began searching. relatives and even father, the mother's body will be sent to the cemetery to be buried as a destitute, and the girl will be taken to a municipal shelter so that it can be adopted and registered.

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