Betina orders to kill Morocco | come around


Betina (Cleo) is determined to realize her plan against Marocas (Juliana Paiva)! The wicked infiltrated her ally Agnese ( Beatriz Campos ) at Sabino Machado's to poison the young woman progressively and leave no trace. Determined to prevent the marriage of the rival with Samuca (Nicolas Prattes), she will order the death of the girl of the end of the century.

  Betina orders Agnese to give all the poison to Moroccoas to kill her in 'Time Not For'. - Photo: Globo <img clbad = "picture content-media__ picture" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "orders Betina Agnese to give all the poison Moroccoas to kill her in" The No Time To "- Photo Betina orders Agnese to give Marocas all the venom to kill her in "Time Not For" – Photo: Globe "data-src =" = / 0x0: 1300×700 / 984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / orders Agnese to give Marocas all the venom of kill her in 'Time Not For' – Photo: Globo

"Betina, what could you not tell me over the phone?", asks Agnese when she arrives at the wrongdoer

"After all … Moroccoas and Samuca even anticipated the wedding?", Asks the businesswoman.

Agnese confirms the information and lets the woman boil with rage. alternative for to prevent the union of his beloved with Moroccoas, Betina orders the governess:

"We will also anticipate our plans. You will give a dose to the sleeping beauty with all that remains of the poison, all at once. "

  Agnese (Beatriz Campos) receives the order of Betina (Cleo) to end the life of Marocas (Juliana Paiva) in the novel <img clbad =" image content-media__image "itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "(Beatriz field) Agnese (Beatriz Campos) receives an order from Betina (Cleo) to end the life of Marocas (Juliana Paiva) in the novel 'O Tempo Não Para'. The life of Marocas (Juliana Paiva) in the soap opera "O Tempo Não Para". strip_icc () /

Agnese (Beatriz Campos) receives the order from Betina (Cleo) to end the life of Marocas (Juliana Paiva) in the novel 'O Tempo Não Para & # 39; – Foto: TV Globo

The accomplice reacts and says that it will kill the Moroccans, but Betina responds that it's exactly what she wants!

Betina was betrothed to Samuca, but the businessman had a crush on the Moroccans when he rescued her from the thaw of the iceberg on the beach. The owner of SamVita ended up with her and shortly thereafter she embarked on a romantic relationship with the frozen of the backward century. Of course, the powerful ones did not remain inactive and planned a thousand projects of separation of Samurocas . Many have worked for a while, but now the two are even more united and about to get married, to the despair of the wicked.

  Marocas (Juliana Paiva) is in the line of sight of Betina (Cleo) in the novel 'O Tempo Não Para & # 39; time not "- photo: TV Globo <img clbad =" picture content-media__ picture "itemprop =" contentUrl "alt =" Marocas (Juliana Paiva) is in the line of sight of Betina (Cleo) in the novel "The Marisa Time (Juliana Paiva) looks Betina (Cleo) in the soap opera" O Tempo Não Para "- Photo: TV Globo" data-src = " S7Y- Maroca (Juliana Paiva) is in the line of sight of Betina (Cleo) in the novel 'Time Not For' – Photo: TV Globo

What will become of Moroccoas after this order from Betina? -in Time Not For on Thursday 6/12 See more in the week's summary

06 Dec


Livaldo asks Lucio to save time to earn Samuca's trust and steal the document Livaldo claims to want a job and Samuca offers a vacancy at SamVita, to the detriment of Carmen Eliseu can approve the partnership of SamVita with the cooperative that Cecílio wants to create with recyclable waste recyclers. Carmen insinuates to Dom Sabino that Agustina wants to separate the two. Betina orders Agnese to take the life of Moroccoas.

Check out the summary of the day and the week!

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