Pitty in the Planet has a guitar wheel, special guests and old hits | Planet Atlantis – 2019


Pitty's rock and roll set the tone for the start of the second night of Planet Atlantis 2019. The Bahian singer began the show by correcting the hits "Brave New Chip" and "Memories" from her first two albums, entitled to a tribute to Bob Marley with an excerpt from "Get Up Stand Up".

Without giving breath to planetariums, Pitty followed with "Setevidas" album of the same name. A pause at the end of the song was left to the fans so that they would sing "Pitty, I love you".

The singer smiled, thanked and changed: "As I would like to be on the planet.What an honor to be here today."

Bahia presents the new "Matriz" tour in planetariums and invites the public to "a very special moment" to the sound of "Te Conecta", a song released last year. While browsing the releases, while remembering old successes, she lined up words known to the public.

"On your set" was sung with one voice by the fans. The gauchos could also annihilate the desire "Equalize", released in 2003. The nostalgia ensued, but in a unique way in an intimate atmosphere proposed by Pitty during the new tour, which mixes rhythms and exceeds rock.

  Pitty makes a guitar wheel on stage and invites the public to a <img clbad = "picture content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Pitty makes a guitar wheel on stage and invites the audience to a "special moment" of the Matrix tour – Photo: Marcos Nagelstein / Preview Agency "title =" Pitty makes a guitar wheel on stage and invites the public for a "special moment" in the "Matrix" tour – Photo: Marcos Nagelstein / Preview Agency "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/RinevGiG6Q0h6uUtlhBhfJ sDjkY = / 0x0: 2400×1600 / 984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_59edd422c0c84c8a879d37dsd ; 19659008] Pitty creates a guitar wheel on the stage and invites the public to a "special moment" of the Matrix tour – Photo: Marcos Nagelstein / Agência

The singer pulls a stool, sits cross-legged , forms a guitar wheel with the band and started "Teto de Vidro" in a version

"I wanted to invite you to my small room in Salvador, where these songs were created," said the audience.

"It's Matrix: a guitar, three chords and a lot of desire to express it," he added.

After the trip for his career and memories of his youth, followed by the clbadic Raul Seixas "Metamorfose Ambulante". The last verse was replaced by: "That having this old opinion" musty "about everything."

"The first time I listened to a cbadette was a collection cbadette of Raul Seixas, and I thought," God, it's possible to rock with lyrics in Portuguese, "he says. remembers Baiana

To close the new voice and guitar experience of the new tour, fans have sung "Agridoce", released in 2011, from the album of the same name.

Pitty's power is back with everything in another success of the singer, who came back to sing "Me Adora" The audience jumped and sang "Thank you very much, people," he said.Pitty invited the Bahian singers Tássia Reis and Emmily Barreto for a special participation – Photo: Marcos Nagelstein / Agencia Preview "title =" Pitty invited Brazilian singers Tássia Reis and Emmily Barreto for a special participation – Photo Marcos Nagelstein / Preview Agency "src =" data : image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwME AwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUBAwQGB // EABkBAAIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMFAAECBP / aAAwDAQACEAMQAAAB8cUw2e1gVMufnNdjBKamAFv / xAAdEAABBAIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAEDBBMxBRIU / 9oACAEBAAEFAipRlQjpwNWLjBBsgqN3Oj7Oslq1Jkwo0 + N2V EABkRAAIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECABARIv // / // aAAgBAwEBPwFwmDIFLDqhP EABwRAAEEAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAQMRECEycf / aAAgBAgEBPwGE2HraOUYXoBv20 + P / xAAjEAACAQMDBAMAAAAAAAAAAAABAgAERAITITMVHRIEGh / 9oACAEBAAY / An n1UjPL0Q6kfXui4kxYjiynbzSzxvio3ZJO491zFSRmZBcCwyrSS3j1DxrZgRtYdhTgKrKxzOPmuX5Q xAAfEAACAwACAgMAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhMUFRYXEQgfH + H // / + 2gAIAQEAAT8hUEQhClgC9PnqCchiDhDk8K2FtFWQqq0mvJ zF7 / Gdgb6jlRgLIDHy9ES58tBTx0zFhj7zX38n // aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQFG8e / 8QAHhEAAQQBBQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARMZFBECFhcYH / 2gAIAQMBAT8QKFNt8MXN4vhkKGfQryNIL EABwRAAMAAQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERITEAEEFhgf // / // / aAAgB AgEBPxAQxcjKZCJCHixewbqSM3BYOEKnv EACAQAQEAAgEDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAERADEhUWFxIIGR8PH 2gAIAQEAAT8QShhqUkqwAigvcuEZYeTBoA6bx 7QI2hmGpENml + / Z // JYuZDa5wHkWicD23jbQJxxAimxFpTRULHgajYQAw6ceM73559Xx6Ev "/> [19659018] invited Baianas Pitty Pitty Tbadia Reis singers and invited the Brazilian singers Tbadia Reis and Emmily Barreto for a special participation & # 39; – Photo: Marcos Nagelstein / Agência Preview "data-src =" https: // s2.glbimg.com/DqfyJ9HlaF1gA8xXOgMN7yKqsxQ=/0x0:2400×1600/984×0/smart/filters:strip_icc()/i.s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_59edd422c0c84a87

Pitty a invited the Bahian singers Tássia Reis and Emmily Barreto for a special participation – Photo: Marcos Nagelstein / Agência Preview

Pitty invited Brazilian singers Tássia Reis and Emmily Barreto for a special participation & # 39; – Photo: Marcos Nagelstein / Agência "There was a sound that I recorded with two mines that I like a lot: Tássia Reis and Emmily Barreto, ladies and gentlemen," said Pitty, introducing the singers of the Northeast Brazil who came to the main stage of Planet Atlantis.

The two men accompanied Pitty to "Contramona" and were invited to participate in "Mask", which contained an excerpt from "Fisherman's Suite" by Dorival Caymmi.

"In 2004, we return to the beginning by looking back at the past," said the singer, referring to her first participation in Planet Atlantis.

Like Anitta, Pitty also recorded a clip at the Planet show. This was from the song "Te Conecta", from the singer's latest album. Fans will soon be able to watch the clip.

The Bahian closed the presentation at the festival with "Serpente" from the album "Setevidas", a tribute to the day Iemanjá, celebrated on February 2, mentioned by the singer. Before closing, Pitty left a message to the audience: "Have fun, love, do everything right, make them happy that night."

Watch Pitty's broadcast on Planet Atlantis 2019

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "https://s04.video.glbimg.com/x720/7350807.jpg" alt = "Watch Pitty's Issue on Planet Atlantis 2019" title = "Watch Pitty's Issue on Atlantis Planet 2019"

Watch Pitty on Planet Atlantis 2019

Check Out Pitty's Complete Setlist on the Atlantis Planet 2019

  1. "Brave New Chip"
  2. "Memories"
  3. "Setevidas"
  4. "Te Conecta"
  5. "On Your Plate"
  6. "Equalizer"
  7. "Ceiling of glbad "
  8. " Metamorphosis Ambulante "(Raul Seixas)
  9. " Dance "(Amer)
  10. " Me Adora "
  11. ]
  12. " Mask "
  13. " Serpent "

Tbadia Reis and Emmily Barreto

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