Juan Guaidó denounces this military plan to "steal" humanitarian aid to Venezuela | World


Venezuela's self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaidó, on Monday denounced the fact that the armed forces plan to "steal" the international aid he has organized, including food and medicine, in order to that this distribution is in the hands of the government. by Nicolás Maduro.

"We have received information from the High Command's close circle [militar] that no longer badesses whether or not to let it enter, but how to steal it," Guaidó said at a conference Press.

The opposition leader also thanked the recognition received on Monday by 19 European countries as acting president, led by Germany, France, Spain and the United Kingdom. -United.

According to Guaidó, the army "would remove" this humanitarian aid to distribute as part of a government plan to sell subsidized food in popular areas.

Guaidó, who proclaimed himself after the Parliament declared Maduro "an usurper", claiming that he had been re-elected after fraudulent polls, called "the conscience of the world". "army" to let the shipments pbad in the face of the serious shortage of essential goods suffered by the country.

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"Do you want to turn our homeland into a colony of beggars? … Reject the bad and cheap show that the oligarchy does," Maduro said Monday.

Guaidó confirmed that the aid was stored Colombia, Brazil and a Caribbean island whose name has not been revealed. The United States confirmed last weekend that they were participating in the transport.

The opposition leader says the cargo will be destined in a "first stage" to the "most vulnerable population", between 250,000 and 300,000 Venezuelans with a "risk of death" due to the malnutrition and lack of drugs and supplies.

Without specifying a date, Guaidó called "great mobilization to protect this humanitarian aid".

In the offensive against Maduro, with the support of Washington and a dozen countries from America as well as from European countries, Guaidó has been calling for protests since Jan. 21. The protests killed 40 people and 850 detained during the first week, according to the UN.


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