Switzerland sends excerpts from chavistas to Brazil http://www.jb.com.br


The Swiss prosecutor transmitted to Brazil bank data relating to a royalty system involving PDVSA and Venezuelan operators. The documents, which are being examined by the prosecutors, detail Chavista's monetary track and draw attention to the volume: 3,000 pages of bank statements and transfers.

Sources familiar with the matter were confirmed by the newspaper . S. Paulo that data was initially collected at the request of the federal prosecutors of Rio Grande do Sul, responsible for investigating the deviations of Chavez up to R $ 80 million – partly for secret accounts in Switzerland.

PDVSA Agrícola, the arm of the oil giant, extended its activities to other sectors of the economy during the presidency of Hugo Chavez. The program provided for the export of agricultural inputs and overpriced machinery to Venezuela. The difference in value lies in the pocket of the leaders of Venezuelan state companies and fueled at least four companies abroad .

It is now suspected that the agricultural sector is only part of a larger program. PDVSA operations in Brazil, including with national construction companies. The excerpts are therefore the first concrete indications that the volume of resources was not limited to machinery and agricultural inputs.

From an initial evaluation, Swiss researchers map out new recipient accounts involving the Venezuelan regime. . One of the suspects is the operator Osvaldo Basteri Rodrigues. It would be he who would collect the bribes in Brazil which would then be distributed to the head of state. Your Swiss accounts have been blocked.

Two cases after the homologation of the collaboration agreements appreciated by 77 leaders and former leaders of Odebrecht, cases of crimes abroad continue to be secret in Brazil

] In addition to the case of PDVSA Agrícola, There are several other crimes admitted by Odebrecht. In April 2017, the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo

Payments were also paid to public officials for the implementation of ethanol production complexes in Venezuela, a partnership between Odebrecht and PDVSA Agrícola. The report revealed that an investigation had been opened in the federal district prosecutor's office regarding the Caracas metro, but the MPF has not confirmed the report, whether it is still open or not. It had been closed.

The information is taken from the newspaper . The state of S. Paulo

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