The STF keeps the sentence on the judge who left a girl in a men's cell | Politics


The first panel of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) decided on Tuesday (5) to maintain the sentence imposed by the National Council of Justice (CNJ) on Judge Clarice Maria de Andrade.

The NYC appointed the magistrate to keep a 15-year-old girl in the cell of a man from the police station of Abaetetuba in 2007.

In 2010, the council determined the Mandatory retirement of the magistrate, but in 2012, the Supreme suspended his retirement.

Clarice Maria de Andrade stated that, according to the court's understanding at the time, the documents presented to her did not clarify the situation of the prison and that she could not therefore presume that the girl would be in the same cell as the others. men.

In October 2016, the NYC decided to apply the sentence of making available, that is to say to prohibit the magistrate from performing his duties for at least two years. years – she continued to receive proportionate deadlines.

At Tuesday's meeting, the first clbad ministers understood that the judge's request had been rejected and that the decision of the NYC to apply the sentence should be upheld.

The Court quashed an injunction granted in 2017 by Minister Marco Aurélio Mello, who understood that the council was contradictory when he ruled on the penalty.

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