For those who practice waxing all year long, skin care before surgery should be frequent. It is that exposure to the sun – even outside the beach and the pool – and that sweating can increase the risk of sunspots and stuffing of hair. The 7 tips below are simple to adopt in the beauty program and make all the difference for the end result of smooth skin. Check it out!
1 – Moisturize the skin only the days before
The specialist explains that it is not necessary to apply a moisturizer the day of hair removal because the product can interfere with the adhesion of wax. However, it is essential to keep the skin hydrated a few days before to allow the hair to come out more easily, thus avoiding the risk of blockage. "Do hydration until the day before hair removal and wait another 24 hours to nourish the skin again," he says.
2 – Avoid sunbathing before and after
To avoid sun spots, avoid sunbathing 48 hours before and after the process. This is because the tanned skin becomes more sensitive and more fragile when it comes into contact with the wax, giving way to burns and redness. It is advisable to apply sunscreen on the legs shortly after the procedure.
3 – Take a cold shower before hair removal
One solution to make epilation less aggressive to the skin and avoid bacterial contamination is to take a cold shower about two hours before. "Sweating leaves the skin more vulnerable to infections and areas of the body like the pelvis, for example, are usually warmer and wetter, which in turn increases the propensity for inflammation," explains Regina.
4 – Bet on Exfoliation
Another expert tip is to perform a mild exfoliation in the area to be shaved two days before the procedure. "The exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the corneal layer, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria and fungi."
5 – Do not Use Rejuvenating Cream
] If you use a cream or acids for the treatment of stretch marks, flaccidity or cellulite, such as retinol products, by example, stop using a week before hair removal. Alcohol-based products should also be avoided before and after hair removal.
6 – Avoid tight clothes
The clothes you wear at the time of making. waxing should also be thought of before! It is because the tight parts facilitate the interlocking of the hair because of the constant friction with the skin. "The propensity to risk is even greater in the groin and thighs and more common in women who play sports or physical activity," says Regina.
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