Four young men arrested suspected of having beheaded a man to "scare" the victim's brother in Goiania | Goiás


The civilian police arrested four teenagers suspected of killing Erivaldo Ferreira da Rocha, 32, in Goiânia. According to the society, the group claimed to have killed the victim if she had beaten her brother, who would have fought. The prisoners stated that they had beheaded the man so that the death "pbaded through" and that his parent was aware of the crime.

"The authors confessed to the crime and [disseram que] used a hacksaw.According to them, the decapitation was such that the case had a great repercussion and reached his brother," explained the delegate Silvana Nunes.

G1 was unable to contact the defense of suspects before the last update of this report.

According to the delegate, the perpetrator of the crime is already in Odenir Guimarães penitentiary, in Aparecida de Goiânia, in the metropolitan area of ​​the capital, and another respondent was killed on 25 January.

The victim's head was found on January 13 in front of a shopping center on Avenida Perimetral Norte in Goiania. In this one, there was the inscription "TD2", which alludes to "slang", which means "everything in peace". His body was found four days later, floating on the Rio Meia Ponte, also in the capital.

Police arrest four suspects for killing a decapitated young man in Goiania

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<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "Police arrest four suspects for killing a young man beheaded in Goiania [titre] According to investigations, the body of Erivaldo bore traces of gunshot and was beheaded. Until this Tuesday (5), the civilian police announced that she was still waiting for a cadaverous report to know if he had been beheaded so long as he was still alive or dead.

According to the delegate, the boy would have been attracted to the scene of the crime by a false job proposal. "The victim was not aware of his brother's businesses." They called for weeding a lot in the back of the authors' house.

Nunes also said that after decapitation, the victim's head had been carried in a plastic bag by one of the body was thrown into the river.

  Head is in front of the Goiânia shopping center - Photo: Josemar Vieira / TV Anhanguera "title =" Head is in front of the Goiânia shopping center - Photo: Josemar Vieira / TV Anhanguera "src =" data: image / jpeg ; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAOABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGAABAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgIDBAX / xAAWAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAP / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAVXLNQzkmY / Ux // EABsQAAEFAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAQIEFQUT / 9oACAEBAAEFAp8ipSY2MFaIAR2rqIIcpuZOZei 8QAFREBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBH // / // 2gAIAQMBAT8Bp EABURAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAS / 9oACAECAQE / AZP / xAAkEAABBAADCQAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAIDEQQFFBASISQyUVJyk // + aAAgBAQAGPwLmsyijHZnEqxqMT6ikNPl8LH Up3iunB / AIPLbIVVt / 8QAHRAAAQQCAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARITFxkRBB0f / aAAgBAQABPyEVNYMxhvEZnX6LMbRisrmqJ4m6QTTUGAKKlgv / // 2gAMAwEAAgadaAAAECY 8QAFhEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFA / 9oACAEDAQE / E // Ia 8QAFxEAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERMf / aAAgBAgEBPxCBKYf / xAAdEAEAAgIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAABABEhMUFRccHw / 9oACAEBAAE / EDprUXOiXXe0rmwGMXKoq / ItEDjd4WwodKZ5n7D7CDgbXRXmmAsLYAml vqe0 / 9k = "/> <picture itemscope= <img clbad =" image content-media__image "itemprop =" contentUrl "alt =" head is in front of Goiania shopping – Photo: Josemar Vieira / TV Anhanguera "title =" Head se found in front of shopping in Goiânia – Photo: Josemar Vieira / TV Anhanguera "data-src ="×720/984×0/smart/filters: brands

A head is located in front of the Goiânia shopping center – Photo: Josemar Vieira / TV Anhanguera

The secretary of Rodney Miranda, Public Security in Goiás, said that six other homicides committed by the perpetrators are currently being targeted. investigation. However, according to him, none of these deaths is related to other beheadings that occurred in the metropolitan area of ​​Goiânia at the beginning of the year.

The secretary said he met on Monday with Minister Sergio Moro and Governor Ronaldo Caiado (DEM) in Brasilia to discuss security strategies in the state.

In addition to the case of Erivaldo, at least two other men were beheaded in the Goiânia metropolitan area in January of this year. Remember the other cases:

  • 21 January: A headless body was found in a street in Hidrolandia, also in the metropolitan area of ​​the capital.
  • January 22: A second human head, in a state of decomposition, was found at Bela Vista Avenue, Vila Brasilia, Aparecida de Goiania. According to the civilian police, the member is the victim whose body was found in Hidrolandia.
  • 23 January: The third headless body was found in Conjunto Primavera, northwest of Goiania.
  Erivaldo's body floating in a stream in Goiânia - Photo: Clayson dos Santos Souza / TV Anhanguera <img clbad = "picture content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "body Erivaldo is found floating in the flow Goiania – photo: Clayson dos Santos Souza / TV Anhanguera "title =" The body of Erivaldo is found floating in the river Goiânia – photo: Clayson dos Santos Souza / TV Anhanguera "data-src =" / 0x0: 1700×1065 / 984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3 Erivaldo is found floating in Goiânia – Photo: Clayson dos Santo s Souza / TV Anhanguera [19659022] See the other news of the region in G1 Goiás .

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