Brazilian official confesses plot to commit financial fraud, US court says | Economy


Founder and former member of Empiricus, Elias was arrested last August in Switzerland, then extradited to the United States for fraud on the phone, electronic fraud, possession of property and theft. identity aggravated.

  • Extradition of Switzerland to the United States suspected of financial fraud in the amount of 3 million rand
  • Wanted by G1 the Brazilian lawyer Yuri Sahione, who represents Marcos Elias in Brazil, said that he was not allowed to comment on the lawsuit in the United States and is committed to contact the team that defends the man from Business in New York. The G1 is waiting for the return.

    According to the United States Department of Justice, since 2012 a Brazilian company had held an account in a financial institution in Manhattan. In June 2014, Elias reportedly corresponded with a vice-president of this institution concerning the Brazilian company's account.

    In these correspondences, in which Elias stood as an employee of the Brazilian company, he was ordered to the Vice President to transfer the money to an account in Luxembourg, which also seemed to belong to the society. According to the Ministry of Justice, the account in Luxembourg belonged to Elias.

    In this way, he allegedly affected the equivalent of about 3 million R $ of Brazilian account holders with applications in US banks.

    Elias was heard Monday (4) by Judge Laurra Taylor Swain. According to prosecutor Geoffrey S, Berman, the Brazilian pleaded guilty to conspiracy crime against the country's financial institutions.

    The prosecutor pointed out that the Brazilian had committed an international crime, since he had committed it from a frontier company located in Panama, to a bank account in Luxembourg and from a stolen identity to a brazilian businessman.

    Geoffrey pointed out to the judge that Marcos Elias had tried in vain to commit a similar fraud at another Manhattan bank, using the documents of another accountant.

    The trial of Marcos Elias in US court is scheduled at 11 am (New York time) on April 4.

    Trajectory of success before imprisonment

    Marcos Elias is a long-time financial scholar for 25 years. He was already a financial badyst at the age of 22. The US court charges him of stealing US $ 750,000 through frauds committed by US banks with the help of misrepresentations and the stolen identity of Brazilian account holders.

    A graduate in Mechatronics Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, Elias holds a law degree from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas and an MBA in Business Administration. Business of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Through his academic and commercial background, he was considered a prodigy.

    Elias boasts of having entered the labor market at the age of fourteen, as a servant of a fast food chain, from where he emigrated to a restaurant to work as a waiter.

    He considers himself an entrepreneur since the age of 16, when he started giving private lessons in mathematics, physics and chemistry because he liked him and that it was very good. Shortly after, he started teaching in a pre-university course. But his adventure in teaching only lasted until he started to bet on the stock market.

    Vaiaso, Elias has boasted of having accumulated his first million reais before his 30 years of trading in the stock market. With this profile, at the age of 30, he was the chief badyst of the French bank BNP in Brazil.

    Projection as a financial market badyst led Elias to become a fund manager and a financial market entrepreneur. His last job before becoming an entrepreneur was in 2001 at the National Bank of Paris.

    His first company is Gas Investimentos, created in 2003. He also created Galleas Capital Partners in 2004. Between 2005 and 2006, he was a partner of the fund manager Link Investimentos. In 2009, he was one of the founders of Empiricus Research, where he sued in 2012.

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