AGU appeals an injunction that suspends the auction of Eletrobras


RIO – The Federal Attorney General's Office (AGU) and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) presented this Friday (13) to the Regional Federal Court of the 2nd Region (TRF2) of the Preliminary injunction that suspended the auction of six Eletrobras energy distributors: Companhia Boa Vista Energia SA, Companhia Energética de Alagoas, Companhia Energética do Piauí, Centrais Elétricas de Rondônia SA, Companhia de Eletricidade do Acre SA and The suspension of the auction was decided Thursday (12) by Judge Maria do Carmo Freitas Ribeiro, of the 19th Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro, in response to the action of the Association of Employees of Eletrobras (AEEL).

In the appeal filed with TRF2, the AGU disputes the interpretation and argues that it is not possible to conclude the process of calling bids because there is still no legislative authority for the sale of distributors. that the authorization has already been given by various legal provisions, such as laws 13,334 / 16, 12,783 / 13, 9,648 / 98, 9,619 / 98, 9,491 / 97 and 9,074 / 95.

(TCU) a recently acknowledged the legality of the auction in Judgment No. 1199/18. In addition, they indicated that maintaining the subsidiaries under control of Eletrobras would jeopardize the continuity of electricity supply in the states of Acre, Alagoas, Amazonas, Piauí, Rondônia and Roraima, where the companies operate.

Given the AGU, facing the financial constraints of the Union and Eletrobras to make the necessary investments, the subsidiaries, which depend on heavy investment of resources, are undermined

According to AGU calculations last year, the six companies accumulated losses of R $ 4.5 billion and the operations are maintained by the Global Reversionary Reserve (GRIP). However, these resources will have to be returned to the electricity system in the future through rate adjustments.

AGU and the BNDES also understand that if the distributors are not sold, they will have to be settled by Eletrobras. For this, both bodies warned that there could be a lay-off of employees and a risk of discontinuity in the supply of energy to the states

Read more:

Eletrobras shares fall with suspending the auction of distributors

Eletrobras: Justice of Piauí releases the auction of Cepisa

Eletrobras: Liminar of STF does not prevent the sale of distributors, says AGU

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