An advertiser campaigning against vaccines dies of swine flu


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American television commentator and presenter Bray Payton died at the age of 26. Star on the rise famous for her conservative political comments and her defense of the extinction of the vaccine, she died of swine flu (H1N1), aggravated by an image of meningitis.

In addition to commenting on and presenting attractions on networks such as Fox News, Fox Business Channel and One America News Network, Bray worked as a copywriter on the conservative The Federalist website.

The commentator died on April 28, December in San Diego, California. That day, a Twitter post showed the seriousness of Bray's health. The author is Morgan Murtaugh, a friend of the commentator and the youngest candidate for the US Congress in 2018.

"It's been 24 hours since I found my friend unconscious and called 911 [número com o qual os americanos chamam o Samu deles] Since then, she is in a coma and needs a miracle now.If you are religious, please pray.We are in need, "wrote Morgan.

After witnessing the death of someone as young, doctors performed several tests, including a CT scan, to find the cause of death. They diagnosed swine flu aggravated by meningitis.

Bray's aversion to vaccines comes from far. In an article published in 2011, she condemned the fact that the government is encouraging more people to get vaccinated. "No, vaccines are things of the devil," he wrote.

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